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Frustration with starting self-hosted blog as my site!


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<p><strong>I am sooo frustrated!</strong> I started a wordpress site, domain to use as my website. I have little, more like NO, knowledge about theme formats, widgets, plug-ins, etc...html text, css? Do I need a photoblog plug-in - what is that going to do for me?.....I once had a blogspot blog (so I didn't realize that wordpress would be so much more complicated), and that was doable for me. However, I read online that wordpress has more options and plugins so I decided to go with them. I can't even figure out how to edit it! I have searched for tutorials but it is all so overwhelming because there is so much information. I feel like I am teaching myself the Irish language with books written in Irish! (I know that is a bad analogy.) I have already paid for the domain name, so I don't want to buy something else instead. Does anyone have any recommendations about where to start? ----What resource will give me info. on tailoring it to a photography site? - do I need to add a photoblog plug-in? Help! thanks!</p>
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<p>It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Yes, wordpress is a very powerful platform, but it also be used quite simply. What do you have done up to this point? What is your goal? Could you provide a link to site similar to what you have in mind? </p>
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<p><a href="http://www.savinggracephotographyblog.com/">http://www.savinggracephotographyblog.com/</a><br>

<a href="http://melissasuephotography.blogspot.com/">http://melissasuephotography.blogspot.com/</a></p>

<p>These are 2 random (I found on internet, no affiliations with either) sites that are pretty much what I want. I want to showcase some pictures in this style - a portfolio of sorts. I would like to have a submenu with *children, *family, *pets, *wedding, etc...links where specific types of pictures are archived. I would like to have a link to another site - where clients can order pictures (example: smugmug.com). I want a "contact", "about me" , "pricing", etc... list too. I know my descriptions are rustic, but I am NEW, at this, and LOST! Thanks Brian, for your insight! </p>

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<p>C.S., it took me years to get my WP sites to where I want them. You can check my personal site through my member page. While a CMS (Content Management System) is far less complicated than coding a site yourself, it's still complicated, with a challenging learning curve. I feel like I had to do my sites one keystroke at a time. My experience has been that Wordpress is the most difficult of the blogging CMS's, except for all the others. The support forums can be hit-and-miss, and the Codex is a confusing assemblage of sometimes outdated and jargon-laden material. I've found, however, that the theme and plug-in support resources are often quite helpful.</p>

<p>My advice would be to sign up for Kelby Training for a month for $25, and take advantage of several excellent tutorial series offered by RC Concepcion. Wish I had had them when I started with WP. RC will take you from complete beginner to complete website in very little time, but you'll still have to do the hard work of getting your site to lookthe way you want it.</p>

<p>I am not associated in any way with Kelby Training, and I don't like to advocate for paid sites, but, in this case, I believe that might be your best course of action.</p>

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<p>Thanks so much Phil! I will definately go that route. Would you recommend starting a blogspot site for the "short-term?" - I really want a site of some sort in the shortest amount of time possible. Can I reroute the traffic to my Wordpress site when I decide to? I had NO idea that it was SO complicated. I just read reviews and they described Wordpress as being more versatile, and a blogsite better suited towards people who wanted a "true" website - but didn't have the money to pay for one. So, I thought it would be great. Little did I know that it was absolutely nothing like blogspot - no "move widget here, pick background there, move subtitle here, pick font color there." - instead I ran into Codex, plug-ins, etc...all of which I had never even heard of to tell you the truth. But now I am stuck with a paid site that holds the domain name that I really do want, with no knowledge of how to use it, lol. Anyway, thanks for your encouragement and for taking the time to respond to my post. I appreciate it!. and will take your advice!</p>
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<p>P.S. I am not an idiot - although I sounded like one in my OP. I just wasn't thinking clearly when I described the "Irish language." ---- I do know better...geez....However, I can't edit the OP, so I just hope nobody ever figures out who I really am, lol! One of those things you say or write without thinking....</p>
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<p>Everybody is an idiot when they start something fresh and new to them :-) I felt like that when I started my current site despite originally having built probably at least a dozen sites.<br>

I bought a book about website building which I know when I bought it was probably four or fives years old but it helps me write HTML.<br>

It is called Effective Website Design by Ann Navarra and Tabinda Khan. Published by Cybex<br>

It pre-dates 9/11 by three years so it IS OLD!<br>

A lot of it is well above my head .. things like CSS whatever that is :-) but for a simple site it reminds me when I start a new site as I had to do awhile back when Yahoo stopped giving me free sites.<br>

<a href="http://www.jcuknz-photos.com">www.jcuknz-photos.com</a></p>

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<p> I know exactly how you feel. I have just built a website with wordpress and having been initially very sceptical and confused I would now recommend the system to someone trying to build their own site or blog. One book that I worked my way through is '24 Hour Wordpress Trainer' with the amazon link here : <a href="http://www.amazon.com/WordPress-24-Hour-Trainer-Create-Customize/dp/0470554584">http://www.amazon.com/WordPress-24-Hour-Trainer-Create-Customize/dp/0470554584</a> . I appreciate you are more focused on a blog but this book does give a useful guide to the structure. Also, for 24 hours take about three days.<br>

I would say stick with it - when you understand the system you will be able to control what you put on the web with your name on it and you can easily edit your content from anywhere.</p>

<p>Hope it works for you,</p>

<p>Marc </p>

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