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What camera do you use for personal events? (night out with friends etc)

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<p>After buying the Canon 40D's for work, it kills me when I take pictures with my old point and shoot at personal events. The quality difference is just unreal. I tend to break out the 40D just for my daughters birthday parties now. haha But there are some things I just don't want to risk it (trips where I might be out on water and could or have fallen in etc), or sometimes having a smaller camera that fits in a purse is nice! <br>

I was just wondering what some of you use or would recommend? </p>

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<p>I think this depends very much on the party camera. There are many out there that would be just as capable as a dslr if you wish to go the film route. One needs to learn to use them as well. I guess, since we are using the dslr rather more, less time spent with the smaller older camera means we forget the tips and tricks.<br>

My favourite snapping camera at parties is a Zeiss Ikon Nettar from 1956. It has a slow 6.3 lens so I carry a PC connection enabled flash with me. The subjects never fail to smile when then see an old folder. They smile even more when they see the results!</p>

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There is not much quality difference between your 40D and a Canon S95 until high ISO, except the S95 has fewer megapixels, so you can't make huge enlargements as easily. Actually on the dpreview comparison widget, the S95 has better colors and sharpness at low ISO.
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<p>I have a Ricoh GX100. A GX200would be better.<br>

I have used a Canon G5, and I might use a GH1 micro 4/3, I like the swing out LCD on those, and the GH1 will handle a higher ISO, but they're a little bit bigger and maybe not so convenient.</p>

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<p>I carry my CanOlympaSonic (an Olympus EPL1 with a Panasonic 20 1.7 lens and Canon wrist strap) which also makes people smile, because they see "Canon" on the strap, "Panasonic" on the lens but "Olympus" on the camera and they always laugh and ask me what kind of camera I have.</p>

<p>Great combo, by the way, the 20 1.7 lens and the EPL1 make for some good, sharp, low light stuff. Only prob is that it's not wide enough and right now I don't have the $900 for the 7-14 zoom.</p>

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<p>I like small light weight DSLR's so my usual camera is a Nikon D3100. When I don't want to carry that, I use my Nikon P6000, but generally I'll bring the D3100 or D60. I only use the P6000 when a DSLR is very impractical.</p>
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<p>Oddly enough, I don't have one. I have a Canon Digital Elph that gets trotted out sometimes, but I have so many friends that are photographers (and don't do photo stuff ALL DAY LONG) that for social events, I usually let one of them handle it all. If it's somewhere where I can leave the camera sitting around, I might bring my D200. It's a good, durable camera, and I'm not as worried about it getting knocked around. If I can't leave the camera around, I'll stick the Elph in my pocket, and sometimes even forget it's in there.</p>

<p>I've started to enjoy social events much more since getting over the need to obsessively document everything.</p>

<p>If I could afford another camera right now, I would probably be using an EPL-2 for that sort of thing.</p>

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<p>Just love my little Canon SD800IS. It is tiny. You can be very discrete with it. Great range optical range on the lens too. My wife uses it exclusively. She won't touch the DSLRs. We take it on vacations rather than lug a big Nikon and lenses. I also like it when biking or when in the canoe. I don't know what the current model equivalent is, but I'm sure someone may be able to suggest that.</p>
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<p>I too use a small film base camera to travel (Yashica Electro) but i would love to use a small digital point and shoot because of the instant results, I just find them to be very substandard compared to even my older Nikon D2X. Is there a point and shoot out there that can compete with the likes of the bigger DSLR's? I have resorted to using my Kodak DCS 14n as a carry anywhere camera and so far the only issue is the battery won't hold a charge like the Nikon but the images are huge and the color very natural. </p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Well, I had several, been there, done that. D-LUX4, EP-2, Canon G12. Of those, the best "pocketable" camera with really good IQ was the D-LUX4. A friend of mine has the Canon S90 (?) and I liked it a lot, but wen with the G12 as I wanted to some underwater stuff on vacation and had access to a housing. I understand the S95 is even better. Now they are all sold and I usually carry a Leica M body with a 50mm lens in what my wife refers to as my "man purse" :) - so I get both, a purse and a camera!</p>

<p>But I'd say go with the LX5 or the Canon S95.</p>

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<p>i have a few 'off-duty' cameras. a d90 with a sigma 30/1.4 fits nicely into a lowepro mini tlz bag. that's enough kit to handle candid events without being bulky. if i want to go smaller i use a samsung TL500. i have a couple of compact P&S cameras but they don't see much use.</p>
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