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Upgrade from d5000 to ????


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<p>Well EVERYONE... I was informed this afternoon that my sensor was bad... The camera store was more than helpful and gracious to me. They could only do an equivalent replacement... they didn't have the d7000 so they replaced it with a d5100 and I am just thankful that I am not without a camera. It made me panic beyond panic... kind of like forgetting to turn off the coffee when you leave the house or put your underwear on. LOL<br>

I had planned and have my fund for my d7000 with the extra battery extender to bulk it up abit without weighing as much as the d3 and I like the fact that I has the dual card slots (one for RAW and one for Jpeg) I think that this will aid me in the development that I was / am hoping for in post production. AND it has the built in motor for non AFS lenses which I have a two and would like to purchase more eventually.<br>

Eric: My thoughts exactly !!! I tried the Tam on the d5000 and didn't care for it. But, it may have been the sensor issue. I just prefer to run Nikon glass... I guess it's a safety zone for me.</p>

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<p>Nice, the D5100 should have the same high ISO performance as the D7000, so that's already a nice step ahead! Equivalent replacement, for sure, but also a generation newer. Enjoy!<br>

<em>(and yeah, it shows how much a good store can make a difference... well worth the extra few dollars over the cheapest online options)</em></p>


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