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iPad Classic + canon 5D Classic. Processing RAW files

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Apologies if answers are posted elsewhere in discussions. Couldn't find anything, save for my <a href="http://www.photo.net/digital-darkroom-forum/00XSlV" target="_new">october'10 post</a>. (apple's support forum is more about complaint than solution.)



I'm grateful for advice, experiences, pointers, shopping lists, etc re connecting my 5D classic to my iPad classic. I need: to quick-edit

RAW files while in the field and the iPad will significantly lighten the load.



I have scattered bits of info about formatting my CF card for FAT 16 or 32 bit, and connecting directly via the Apple Connect Kit USB

feature. (the apple forum discussion reff'd above.) But there's precious little, beyond this, I've found useful--especially from my local apple genius guys.



Again, I'm grateful for ideas/experiences. Thanks in advance-

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There are one or two apps for raw processing on an iPad, but the one I tried was hopelessly slow, as the iPad really doesn't have the memory or CPU speed for this. Also, the UI was very awkward, as the sliders didn't work in real time. When you let go of a slider, you saw the effect after a pause of a few seconds. More of a toy than a product for productive use.


Another problem is that the results weren't saved in parametric form (like Lightroom or Aperture), or even as a raw file (e.g., DNG), but only as a JPEG.


Perhaps you don't mean literally processing the raw data, but rather processing the JPEG preview? If that's what you want, there are numerous apps for that.


If you really want in-the-field productivity, rather than just viewing, you're much better off with a computer that runs OS X or Windows.


A new app called PhotoSmith, which I haven't tried, allows rating, selection, and a few other things, but not actual raw processing, to my knowledge.

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<p>I believe iPhoto can process RAW files.......Apple experts jump in. iPads and Android tablets arent prime time ready for heavy RAW photo processing, even though there is a PhotoShop Express version for the Android (and probably iPad) users out there.<br>


Here is a review of some FUN Apple iPhone/iPad apps from David Pogue, NY Times...<br>


iPhoto information on RAW<br>


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<p>A netbook is a much better solution. 2 lbs instead of 1.5 lbs but far more CPU power, more RAM, lots of storage, lots of software and many connectivity options. Or if you can't use anything but Apple get the smallest macbook air, ~ 2.3 lbs.</p>


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<p>Thee are all saved! A few days ago the iPad companion to LR was launched in the form of Photosmith! It allows you to import images directly as RAW formats from your camera, creates fully compatible collections which can then be synced into LR, maintaining all your initial (VERY basic) processing, cataloguing, ranking etc. Search for Photosmith in the App Store and you'll see. There is even a companion plug-in for LR to enable syncing...;-))))</p>


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<p>I know this may not be a practical suggestion, but the Macbook Air might be a better choice for a field processing agent. I have a 13" which has an SD card reader (I'm mostly using a Leica m8 which uses these) and I have Aperture installed. It works pretty well for this. I don't quite have the sync back to the iMac at home licked though. I've verified that my Canon 5D can import to this computer when connected through an external card reader as well.</p>

<p>I have an iPad 1 as well and it seems kind of hopeless as a productivity computer. It doesn't have sufficient raw processing even for viewing in the field, and even though I'm certain I could overcome that, even at 64GB, I'm not sure I have the room to spare for a whole photo trip of pictures from the 5D and M8.</p>

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