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Replacing mirror foam and dust seals


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Replacing camera foam and dust seals is something we all encounter

sooner or later, here are a few tips. Add some if you feel like it!


For those who want to replace their cameras foam, measure the

distance between the mirror and the mirror box, slightly(yes

slightly) oversize the foam. For an F2 its about 2mm(1.8 or 2.0 on

mine) my F3 is cheaper(about 1.2mm), if you use too much foam the

mirror will bump too hard against the foam and you will feel a slight

jump. Also the mirror will return with higher velocity, not a good

thing. You can use the polyurethane foam which is used in most cameras

(great dampening but gets sticky after a few years) or get some cheap

stuff from the DIY store(mostly polyethylene AKA plastic). I use foam

used in subwoofers, its rubber based which is slightly better

dampening then the PU and muchmuch more durable. For the dustseals in

the cameraback i would suggest the velvet-based seals offered in most

stores. You can remove the old foam with nailpolish remover(faster

but a bit risky) or alcohol, use only a little bit on a q-tip.



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I wrote about similar experiences in this thread: <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003u61">http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003u61</a><p>The old foam seals in the camera back can be a real pain to remove. I used alcohol with a q-tip and toothpicks, but failed to remove all. I was affraid to damage the paint by using acetone based solvents, but I am sure it is more efficient. It is not essential to remove all traces of old foam and glue if you use my method since the remains will help holding the new foam.<br>It is best to avoid chemicals when removing the mirror foam; the focusing screen is very easily damaged. Old mirror foam is easily removed with a pointed scapel, just make sure you hold the camera in a position so the old foam doesn't fall onto the mirror.
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