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Is my nikon d700 broken?


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<p>Hi there,<br>

I have a Nikon D700. Everything seems fine with it, but recently I discovered that when I go into the "menu button" then into "my menu" and attempt to "add items" to my own customized menu, it will not let me select any items at all.<br>

Also, the camera will not let me format the compact flash card from within the camera. I can only do so from my windows 7 computer.<br>

I thought it was faulty, so I called Nikon, and the tech trouble support could not figure it out either. So they told me I should send it in for service.<br>

I visited my local henrys, thankfully I had purchased a 4 year extended "HELP" service plan, and they were more than willing to exchange it over the counter for a brand new on nothing more than my word that it was faulty, along with the Nikon ticket number from Nikon tech support.<br>

I rush home eager to try out my new camera system. To make sure I don't mess anything up, I immediately sit down , put in a freshly charged battery (have many laying around) fire it up, haven't even put a lens on it yet.<br>

Does. The. Exact. Same. Thing :(<br>

Is there something that would prevent me from adding items to My Menu, or formatting a compact flash card from within the camera? I have tried multiple CF cards and brands, and it does the same thing no matter which ones are in it.<br>

As a side note, none of the cards were ever originally formatted inside the D700, all on my windows 7 machine. However, I can't see the CF card being responsible for not letting me create any "My Menu" items since those are all stored internally on the Nikon memory.<br>

I tried googling and can't find any help on this.. my "selector dial" is not in the "L" or locked position. My camera is on all the proper settings out of the box.<br>

My camera is on "P" mode while I attempt to setup my menu and format my CF cards.<br>

I just can't imagine I got two faulty D700's in a row. The chances would be phenomenol. These are well engineered machines.<br>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.</p>

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<p>I should also mention that other than these misfunctions, my camera seems to function normally.. is there a setting somewhere that would stop me from fiddling with my menu? Nothing has previously ever been added to them, especially as this second camera is new out of the box 10 minutes ago</p>
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