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Ratings Heavily Favor Female Nudes As a Subject


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Personally, I think that many of the nudes are fantastic photographs and are well deserving of all the accolades. However, when I search the top rated photographs over the past year by sum, I note that just about all of the top images I see so far are nudes.


This can either mean that:


a) There is a disproportionate number of highly skilled photographers shooting nudes, as opposed to say, nature or landscape pieces. This is surely most unlikely.


b) The overall viewing market (apparently more men) are way, way more interested in being titillated (as it were) by great pictures of the naked female form, than they are, say, of a fantastic dragonfly image.


Personally, I really enjoy submitting images for international review, simply becuase I don't have the time to join a club and go tearing around the country side looking for steam engines to photograph. It's also a great way to rate your work and to see how best to go about improving your skill as a photographer.


That said, it would appear that if you really want to get the best ratings for your images on this forum (and face it, everyone does), you will need to ditch the wildlife and landscapes and take a keener interest in nipples and gooseflesh!


Surely this cannot be the case. But, based on the undeniable results of a democratic and open judging regime, it would seem that it is.

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Nudes don't actually get higher average ratings than other categories. Landscapes and macro subjects get higher ratings on the average. However, they do get numerically more ratings, and this affects any of the TRP rankings that are tied to the number of ratings, including the "Sum" rankings.
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