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Camera control of flash compensation

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<p>I am new to flash photography. I shoot wildlife, often from a small hide, mainly birds. I decided to explore the possibilities of flash (SB900) as light here in the UK is often poor. My camera is the Nikon D300, along with the Nikon 500mm VR11. My question is can flash compensation be adjusted from camera ,as opposed to using the flash unit. The reason I ask is that when in my hide the SB900 is positioned well forward of the camera out of site and out of reach from my position in the hide. Hoping you can help Regards Stephen</p>

<p>PS Any recommendations to links on wildlife/flash photography would be appreciated.</p>

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<p>is it (the flash) "out of sight" as in line of sight, if that is the case CLS is not going to work well, you need line of sight from the camera pop-up flash (acting as the controller) to the slave flash. This may be a case where Pocket Wizard Flex TT5 and Mini-TT1 radio units may do a better job of carrying the control information to the flash than regular CLS - which is infrared - will.</p>
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<p>depending on the distance between the camera & flash, you could use a looooong-ish cord and a hot shoe (see flashzebra.com) in addition to the other suggestions. Given the kind of setup you're talking about, I kinda doubt there is much need for the true dynamic adjustment nature of CLS and manual trigger would be better.</p>
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