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Slaving a Vivitar 285hv with an Elan 7

aim rollphoto805

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I was wondering how I would set up a slave with a Vivi 285hv for an

Elan 7.


What accessories would I need? What would i need to do? (Either an

Optical or Radio slave if possible.)


Are there any sites that would help explain this better?


Also, which would you prefer: the Sunpak 555 or the Vivi 285hv?

(I would like to use this flash/these flashes for action shots at

night and dusk)


Thank you for your help.

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Thomas- I wanted a manual slave setup, because that for me, is a big part of learning about photography, since i am a bit new to the game.


Yakim- I don't want the 420EX because it is completely auto, even though it is made for my camera, i still want to go manual. Even with the autofocus lenses, i flip the switch to manual and focus, and use the manual arpeture and shutter priority.


And Thomas, i've looked into the pocket wizards for radio slave, i don't really have that much of a budget, but since i wont be using the slave during the midday sunlight, the Wein Optical Slaves should work well for me, and are more into my price range.


If anyone has any other links or information, please share.


THanks again to all who have replied and helped.

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Using an optical slave on the 285 or 555 will work fine, even outdoors in mid day if you get a good one. The 285 can use a slave with a shoe mount on it or one with a PC connector since it can be fired either way. The 555 will have to have a model with a PC connector since it has no hot foot. Both of these use special PC cnnector to flash connector cords that are dedicated to them, but they are cheap and should come with them if you buy new.


You can trip the optical slaves with the internal flash, but it might effect the lighting unless you tape a card in front of it to direct the flsah up instead of forward. This however, will greatly reduce the distance the slaves can be from your camera, especially outdoors, if it's even possible. Another option is to use a Wien or Vivitar IR slave trigger, or make your own IR slave trigger with a cheap flash and a deep red filter over it. (Unexposed, but developed, slide film is supposed to work for this too.)


I would prefer the Sunpak 555 as it's about twice as powerful at the same coverage angle. This might be very useful outdoors where power really needed. Also it uses 6 AA's for power and recycles a lot quicker than the 285 with it's 4 AA's. But the Vivitar is a lot lighter and it's shoe mount makes it easier to handle without a bracket.

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It goes to the slave.


Nick, I also have the 285HV, for the same reasons you mentioned: a completely manual flash if I want, plus, I can also use it on my camera. I want to buy the 420 and then use both, but right now I don´t have the bucks.


Check out this site, it has lots of info on how to set up "studio like" lights using low cost equipment like this kind of flash and slaves.



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