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Canon 24 1.4 Mark 2 - Should I get one?


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<p>I would like to get some opinions, I have an opportunity to get a good used 24 1.4 mark2 for a pretty good price. The seller claims its about 6 months old and I have been considering a wide angle lens to round out my kit that consists 5d2, 60D with 24-70, 70-200, 50L and 100L. <br>

I mostly shoot people, portraits, sports, travel, kids ( mostly lately ), some landscapes and some video stuff but I don't really shoot a whole lot of wide angle but I do want to expand my style a bit and with the 2 bodies I would assume the 24 would act like 38 so its sorta like having a 35L, is this correct? Also I am still debating if I would be better served by something else as I am not so sure having a really fast aperture lens on the wide end is really needed or as useful as say a 135 where you can really get separation. I also want to add something like a 100-400 and take a shot at some shooting birds ( something else I have never really tried ) </p>

<p>Anyway would like to hear some opinions. </p>

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Fast and wide is just yummy for a dual format kit. Set ISO3200 and F/1.8 ish and shoot the kids inside, using candlelight . . .</p>

<p>And it is just so much fun on the 5D too . . . just walk around at night with it . . . its just fun:<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/12570912-lg.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="500" /><br>

(But I am biased - and I have the crummy one)</p>


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<p>Is it really that big and heavy? I guess compared to what I already have it seems pretty average. Actually the size and weight of my lenses is the only thing I don't like so once I get this prime set up I may be going to F4 zooms. </p>
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<p>On the one hand, paying 1200 bucks for a lens that you're not sure you really want or need seems kinda silly.</p>

<p>On the other hand, you could buy the lens, try it out. If it doesn't suit you, you'll easily be able to resell it for the same amount. Think of it like trying it out with indefinite return policy.</p>

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<p>Hi Tommy,</p>

<p>I "replaced" my 17-40/4 L with a (near new used) 24/1.4 L II for a few reasons. Like you I don't do much shooting at the wide end and rarely go wider than 24mm, but I wanted to explore the "creative potential" of a fast wide angle. (I also have a 35/1.4 L, but it's not all that wide on my full frame bodies). The 17-40 is relatively soft at wider apertures, which is where I tend to do most of my shooting (namely, from wide open to f/5.6).</p>

<p>Using a dual-format system as you do would make the 24/1.4 even more versatile that it is for me. As the others have said, it's a stellar lens, and if I were you I wouldn't hesitate to pick up that near new used copy.</p>

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<p>Thanks all, The only other thing I considered is a 16-35 but I do like the fast aperture and I like that it will be sorta like a 35 on my 60D. I thought about a 35 but I just find it to be a strange FL for me and I may one day re-buy a 17-40 ( If I start traveling again ) The big filters on the 16-35 really turn me off as I already have CPL, ND, UV's for 77mm. I know it may be a silly reason but just annoying enough where its just not worth it for the 1 stop. Having the 24 prime will make it even less necessary.</p>


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- Fast.


- Very sharp by all accounts.


- Great for candids, events, any situation where handheld shooting is desirable.


- Autofocus.





- Wide-angle lenses distort faces If you will only take photographs of people who have actively agreed, it can't be

much fun being you on the street!


- Wide-angle lenses distort perspective unless the camera is held perfectly level of unless tilt-shift movements are



- Expensive.

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<p>Still a lot to spend on a lens you are not sure about. I assume you have a 50/1.2 L. Have you tried using it wide open, and do you find many situations where having something twice as wide is necessary? Have you experimented with your current 24mm lens (24-70) on the 5D2 to see if you would use the 24mm focal length on a regular basis?</p>

<p>Buy the 24/1.4 L as a fast wideangle lens for your full frame body. All that glass is not put to efficient use on a crop body.</p>

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<p>Thanks, I should say that I do like 24 and I have shot at 24 on my 24-70 but most often I like it in a zoom because its a very dramatic perspective so just not sure I would be comfortable shooting a lot at this FL. This is the reason I really cannot justify this lens new but as it was pointed out I can always re-sell it for pretty much zero loss if I find I do not like it.</p>


<p>Buy the 24/1.4 L as a fast wideangle lens for your full frame body. All that glass is not put to efficient use on a crop body.</p>


<p>While I am buying it for the wide angle its just a nice bonus to get a bit more reach where it may be a little more normal on my 60D. I used to have the 28 1.8 that I really liked on APS-C. I have thought of just rebuying this lens but from what I have heard the 24 is much better plus 28 to 24 is pretty different ( and better IMO )<br>

<br /> I do think its a lot of money but I also think its a pretty cool lens and its fun to try different styles out. I found a UY 16-35 that I can get for around the same price but the 24 looks like more fun. Pairing it with my 50 will be a pretty sweet kit.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p><em>... just not sure I would be comfortable shooting a lot at this FL</em></p>

<p>I think this lens will indeed push you out of your comfort zone. There is a learning curve with ultrawides. Even a small change in vantage position completely changes the composition. I've never shot a fast ultrawide, but what I can gather from hearsay is that this particular lens is a whole lot of fun on full-frame and less exciting on crop. I imagine it'll take some getting used to.</p>

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Arie, exacty why I never got a 35, it reminds me of being frustrated that my 24-105 was not wide enough. Awesome

lens but the FL was just not for me so the 24 we sorta give me a similar perspective when I want it.


Even if the seller backs out I am pretty convinced it's my next lens

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<p>Wow just tested it out, very nice and not large at all ( at least compared to my zooms ) Great deal, she used it twice UY date code with box and everything. looked just like new and she even gave me the UV.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help, now I need to take some shots with it.</p>

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