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<p>Hello All,<br>

I had my heart set on using ShootDotEdit for my basic PP needs. It is worth it to me to outsource my basic editing and then hand select some photos for more extensive editing. They recently changed their policies to only do weddings, which is okay but I was wondering if there are any other companies that people use/like that do all portrait sessions? I have also heard of PWD Labs but they use LR3 and state that they recommend that I only use that for my end of the editing, which isn't going to happen.<br>

Any opinions on these companies or others?<br>


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<p>Oh, I definitely have "opinions on these companies or others".</p>

<p>The more stuff we outsource (whether engineering, software, product support, or even the order window at fast food places), the more people end up unemployed, underemployed, or just plain scared. They get a camera and start shooting $200 weddings on their weekends, or they're willing to book a $200 Craig's List wedding photographer instead of you.</p>

<p>As ye sow, so shall ye reap.</p>

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<p>ShootDotEdit is based in California, PWD is in Georgia. I would not consider a non-US company for many reasons. It's my belief that these companies are hiring professionals who edit for me, which in turn creates jobs in their market and frees up time for me to market, advertise, improve my business which will lead to booking more jobs. The more jobs I get, the more I hire 2nd shooters and/or associate photographers all of which creates jobs. No jobs are getting lost here... just choosing to have another do my part of my job so I can have a life.</p>


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<p>Then again, who says it has to be a company? I'm sure there are individuals out there, some even unemployed at the moment, who would be more than happy to do basic editing.I even offered on several sites to do some basic editing myself at one point for no charge at all, just to get the experience.<br>

I did get a few offers to help for nonprofit organizations, and did them gladly.I probably took way too much time and wasn't efficient at all, but then again I didn't rush through them just to get them done. Quality takes time.</p>


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<p><em>I have also heard of PWD Labs but they use LR3 and state that they recommend that I only use that for my end of the editing, which isn't going to happen.</em></p>

<p>Do you use LR? If not, give it a shot. Maybe you could get through your pp faster and wouldn't be considering outsourcing your work to India?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Okay, I have not used either company just curious about either/or. I was not aware that they outsource their labor, so if that is the case, it does change my opinion. I have considered hiring a freelance editor, but still not sure about the logistics of it. With hiring a company I liked the ability to have a consistent, established business with multiple employees, guaranteeing turnaround times and results vs. someone I would have to train (possibly) to edit in my style. I previously was an "intern" of sorts and did just that and it just seems like more hassle than hiring a well-oiled machine. I also do not have a situation where I can easily have someone working closely with me (in my apartment, since I don't have a studio or even a house) so they'd have to do it in their own environment, which makes me worry about monitor calibration etc. <br>

I do use LR3 for the front end of my editing then finish them in CS5. I have a lot of actions that I use, and tweak, so I want the ability to end up in PS. I don't know if it's even possible to have a soley US based company, but if one exists, let me know. I specifically liked the idea that these companies were US based...</p>

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