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EPL-1 multiple exposure question


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<p>On the EPL-1, I have multiple exposure capability. You set it through the menu, take one photo, then the next; works pretty simple. But I can't determine through the manual how long you can wait between photos, or if I turn off the camera after taking the first photo, will it overlay the second photo when I turn it back on (my guess is no on that - turning the camera off likely resets the multiple exposure function)?</p>

<p>What I want to do is shoot the first exposure Saturday night when the moon is big - and then take the second photo Sunday morning at sunrise. The only way I can think to do that is do the moon photo, then leave the camera on all night (on a fresh battery, of course) and finish the multiple exposure Sunday morning.</p>

<p>Has anyone done anything like this, or have any suggestions other than what I've proposed?</p>

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