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Voigtlander Nokton 58mm f/1.4 still overexpose?


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<p>I just bought a brand new Voigtlander Nokton 58mm f/1.4 SL II from one of the distributors in the US and notice it has the 2/3 overexpose problem. I thought the problem has been fixed with newer edition. Can those who recently bought this lens confirm if you have the same problem?<br>

I use F100 and compare the matrix metering of different scenes I got from Nikon 60mm f/2.8 macro, Voigtlander consistently overexposes.<br>


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<p>Mihai, would you mind sharing your serial number? First two number would be sufficient. I suspect mine belongs to older batch. I have heard people getting 98xxxxxx in 2008, mine is 97xxxxxx.<br>

It will be sent back for adjustment, I am hoping it doesn't come back with the same problem.</p>

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<p>This is very strange, considering that US market has a huge power of absorbtion not like our little market over here. So it's not normal to purchase there in 2011 a lens with an earlier serial number that the one I bought here in 2009. If you can still send it back to the shop I'd encourage you to do so.</p>
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<p>My copy (which is at home, so I won't be able to double check the S/N altho I may have already posted it here) seems to overexpose pretty consistently by about 2/3 stop. It is an SLII, and was purchased new about two years ago from CameraQuest. It's easy enough to work around, and I love the lens, so I haven't bothered hassling to get it fixed… altho supposedly all of the SLIIs were fixed. Oh well. Please make sure to post how this gets resolved for you. In the back of my head I'm always tempted to ship it back to get fixed but so far I CBA.</p>

<p>Mihai: When I first sent my Sigma 30 back, they returned it with an older style (more delicate finish) barrel with an older serial number. This was indicated on the invoice and not a mistake. There's always a chance that CQ or Cosina had to replace the barrel because of cosmetic damage before it was shipped to the buyer.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>I return the lens and bought another one. The problem seems to be fixed, slightly overexpose by 1/5 stop compared with 60mm. It has complete different serial number (7 digits, instead of 8 digits). Time to shoot some wild flowers. Thanks for all the help.</p>
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