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A different "Found Film"

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<p>A man finds a roll of film in Central Park in New York city after the 2010 blizzard. He develops it, posts the photos online, and begins to look for the owner. His search leads him to Paris, France. For full story:</p>

<p><a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110309/ts_yblog_thelookout/new-yorkers-mysterious-photo-quest-ends-in-paris">http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110309/ts_yblog_thelookout/new-yorkers-mysterious-photo-quest-ends-in-paris</a></p>

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<p>The story must be very fresh, as the comments are still adding up....</p>

<p>I thought it was a pretty neat, soft-core adventure. I don't understand the scathing comments either - the photos were a group of 3 people out in public having fun. In public.</p>

<p>I did something similar to this, in the days before the Internet. In Summer of 1993, I was racing whitewater slalom kayaks in Colorado, and I found a roll of 35mm color film at one of the race sites. So I had it developed and printed, and I recognized some of the people in the photos as some of the French kayak racers. I talked with them, and yes, it was theirs. But I just got lucky. It could have been tourist film, just as easily, and I'd have never found the owner. Shrug.</p>

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<p>I went to look at some of the comments, yes they are puzzling. I don't know why people can post their entire lives on facebook for the world to see, then go and verbally attack someone for taking the time to track down those people and have an enjoyable vacation out of the deal. Did he have too much time on his hands? Hardly. These are the moments in our lives that we remember, not what we did last Tuesday afternoon at work in between the accounts reconciliation and time sheet updating.</p>
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<p>and there was the story of the NY lady who had her digicam stolen.<br>

the thieves took their own photos and when the camera was plugged into a pc the photos would up on the ladies home pc. the camera was recovered,. I am not sure of all the excact deatails.<br>

but that is the gist of the story<br>

it was posted here.</p>

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<p>Doug, its better to be behind than to be a behind, which I am told I manage to be on a daily basis. I kind of prefer to enjoy this story the way you brought it than with a skeptical bent that most of the other references (yes, TheOnlinePhotographer, I'm looking in your snooty direction...) I saw tend to take. Fake, not fake - who cares... no lives, reputations or livelihoods depend on it, enjoy it or don't, I say :)</p>
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Some suggest the "found film" was faked to create a story but I feel it has the ring of truth. It didn't exactly have a Hollywood ending. I was most interested in seeing the photographers' other images, those that didn't get lost, because their shots are quite good.
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