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<p>We are Jeff & Leah Harp, husband and wife, best friends & co-photographers. Photography, design, music, art - we love it all. We are both 25 and living a dream! We have a passion for what we do and like to have fun while we do it! We took a leap this year and built Focus Studios, our new 4500sqft studio with a 24' CYC, a major upgrade from 800sqft and 8' paper back drops! Now we are able to turn our focus to the challenging field of editorial/fashion. That is why we built Focus Studios, and that's definitely why we joined photo.net. No turning back now! We are confident in our work but not dumb enough to say we couldn't use constructive criticism. There are some amazing artist here - behind and in front of the lens and it seems like the best place for us to grow as Photographers and meet some cool people along the way!</p>
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