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Joel Sternfeld - Equipment/Technique Used ?


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I believe Joel Sternfeld uses an 8x10 Deardorf, and I would like to

know what equipment he is using recently - lens(es) & film.


Also, does anyone know whether he shoots straigt on and stops down to

small aperatures like f64/f90, or whether he sometimes uses movements?


Thank you.

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Maybe he can tell you himself.





Landscape Photography: Studio Course


Catalog Number: 6780


Joel Sternfeld


Location: CCVA 401


Enrollment: Limited to 12.


Half course (fall term). F. 1�5 and additional hours to be arranged.


Exam Group: 6, 7


An exploration of the relationship between photography and the depiction of the Earth�s surface/landscape. There will be field sessions, lectures on the history of landscape photography, discussions of contemporary issues, visits from working artists, and regular critiques of student photographs. Each student will be required to develop a coherent body of work that examines their sense of place and/or a social, economic, political, poetic, or natural landscape.


Prerequisite: VES 40a or VES 40b or equivalent preparation (portfolio presentation).

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I suspect Joel does whatever it takes to get the picture. He probably puts his pants on one leg at a time, too. Some of the portraits seem to me technical miracles -- there's an early one of two Wall Street guys that seems so spontaneous. So much of these forums seem to be obsessed with technique. The thing I appreciate about JS is his intelligence and wit. I remember doing a group project/book a few years back to help the landmine cause (useless in the case of the US government, but most of the rest of the world has got the message). They send us all an artificial leg to do something with, and his was the sharpest. It's not all f-stops.
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Actually, many of Sternfeld's photos (at least the peopled ones) are staged. The Wall Street Summer Interns for example. I work on the block where that image was made and if you notice in the backround, the gates to the Stock Exchange are closed and there are only a couple people in the backround (during lunch the street is always buzy). Also, in the cover to Stranger Passing, the shopping carts are scattered in an awkward manner and the FoodTown is closed. I still love his work though.
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