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POTW 4/28/2013


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<p>Hi Folks.<br /> Hope everyone had a good week.<br /> More spring migrants coming through. I'd like to spend more time finding great compositions but finals week is just getting started. Anyway, yes, this week its more songbirds.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17219262-lg.jpg" alt="" width="457" height="350" /><br /> Yellow Warbler, Pentax K7, 600mm f5.6 A ISO 800. f8.0<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17219259-lg.jpg" alt="" width="493" height="359" /><br /> Palm Warbler.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17219263-lg.jpg" alt="" width="487" height="424" /><br /> Common Yellow Throat.<br /> There were more birds, especially warblers. Keeping to our three image rule I'll save up others just in case I can't get out this week because of finals and graduation.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have been using my "new" Q since I got it, and have really enjoyed the little thing. It is so light, easy to carry everywhere, and the 01 prime takes me back to shooting with a K1000 and an M 50/1.7. But with a lot more features. Here are a few with adapted lenses - first a Auto 110 24/2.8:</p><div>00bb5L-534559784.JPG.99d9c7e3c81582c1aac717a2dda6a1aa.JPG</div>
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<p>Great birds, Douglas! My sister in Brownsville keeps sending me photos of all these warblers and others in migration. One year I will go down to see it for myself.</p>

<p>Here we have softball, prom, and more spring garden.</p><div>00bb5e-534565584.jpg.38ff666689c252d36f926a18ff704d68.jpg</div>

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<p>Took the Metro-North train into Manhattan last week to see a gallery show of abstract art.</p>

<p>Arrival at Grand Central Terminal (a station is a stop along the way and is called a station stop if the train actually stops there; Grand Central is the end of the line thus "Terminal").</p><div>00bb5m-534569584.jpg.c75e0663872fba0d5055f7416fdc29a3.jpg</div>

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<p>I was riding my bike to work one morning and cut through the fairgrounds like I often do and there was a 4H livestock show setting up. I took a few photos of the animals but the young cowboys were probably my favorite subject. <br /> K-5 & DA 40 Ltd<br /> <a title="IMGP6757 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6757 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8122/8680783939_5b14b765c8_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6757" width="424" height="640" /></a><br /> .<br /> I went out to a nice spot to shoot the rising full moon but got shut out by clouds to the East. Looking around for alternatives I saw these fairly distant mountains being illuminated nicely. Fortunately I had my A*300/4 for the moon shots so I took a little telephoto panorama of them. 2 Shots stitched in Photoshop. (looks better bigger)<br /> <a title="IMGP6862-Edit by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6862-Edit src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8401/8682908370_97042a9eef_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6862-Edit" width="640" height="213" /></a><br /> .<br /> Finally on Friday night I noticed this interesting cloud approaching town at sunset and had to zip out and grab a few shots at the closest place I could get away from buildings. This is a little cow pond next to a park. I got lucky with the geese passing through - I was already set up for a landscape shot and they cruised through adding a little more interest. <br /> K-5 & DA 18-135 wr<br /> <a title="IMGP6966 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP6966 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8527/8684299627_2eb44cc7ba_z.jpg" alt="IMGP6966" width="640" height="424" /></a></p>
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