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Mamiya rd67 180mm mirror lockup


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<p>John Don't know if I was clear.<br>

Markings are as follows on my 180mm and 90mm and both operate the same way:<br>

N with a red dot:- operates normally. shutter releases with mirror.<br>

M with yellow dot:- Shuttter releases manually with cable release after your release and lock up the mirror. Single cable release screws in to the N/M slection knob.</p>

<p>If you have a double release, the other screws into the main release. When you squeeze the release, fiorst the main trigger locking the mirror up. Keep squeezing and the second cable trips the shutter. If you're not using cables at all, you first release the main then turn the N/M dial to N to release the shutter.<br>

Hmmm. This might be more confusing!!<br>


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