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Wacom Tablet and Nikon NX2 won't sinc...

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<p>Hi, I have a Wacom Tablet that seems to work fine with my other photo processing programs, but for some reason it won't place the curser, brush or control point where directed when in NX2. It moves about the computer and even on NX2 main page fine, shrinking and enlarging the image, making global adjustments etc. But when trying to work in the actual image the sinc is off by inches... like trying to drop a control point in the left eye and it lands on the right cheek. I have tried removing the mouse from the work area and tried searching through the NX2 preferences to no avail. I believe there must be some adjustment somewhere to sinc the two together. Any suggestions or help is appreciated. Chris</p>
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<p>Chris, every time I've tried upgrading the software on my Wacom Tablet I've run into problems, can't remember if this was one of them though. Reinstalling the previous version fixed any problems encountered. You might want to consider rolling back the driver (or upgrading to a newer version) and see if it helps, can't really hurt. You do have to uninstall the existing drivers prior to doing the install.</p>
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