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18-135, does it have the shade as standard?


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<p>I bought the k5 kit with the 18-135, and I was surprised to find no lens shade in the box (which is an anonymous cardboard one). I enquired and the vendor assured it is not standard. Does anybody have the same, or should I complain?</p>


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<p>Thats news to me. But the da18-135 I bought was in a normal retail box and had the shade. AFAIK, there is no "L" version like with the da55-300 that ships sans hood. The plain box for kit lens was standard last time I saw one. Those hoods are too expensive to buy......I think you are owed one unless the pictures and descriptions of the kit say otherwise. Good luck.</p>
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<p>Was the 18-135mm the "kit" lens with your k-5, because I've only seen the k-5 sold with the 18-55mm WR kit lens -- or was it in addition to the k5 + regular kit lens?<br>

In any case, I think you are missing the lens shade (aka lens hood). I've gotten a lens hood with every Pentax zoom lens I have bought, including kit lenses. The only lens I did not get a hood was the FA50mm prime lens. I checked on Amazon, the picture of the 18-135mm has a hood on it, so I think it's safe to say you are missing your lens hood and should complain. Congrats on the k-5, great camera.</p>

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<p>Thanks everybody.... except that I do not have the bl.... k5 yet. I drove 130 km to France to pick it up after reserving it, and when I got there they had sold it (they thought I was going on Saturday they say). They had the lens, and I asked to take it, it was supposed to be part of a kit. They promised to send the k5 by UPS for delivery today, but I did not get it, maybe on Monday... I'm mad!!!! And now you confirm it had to have the shade... you'll hear me shouting at them tomorrow from the US!</p>
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