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Anybody in Montreal, Canada who can replace the light seals in an A12 magazine?


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<p>I have a friend in Montreal who is on a seriously tight budget. She has an A12 magazine with a light leak in it. Is there a friendly reputable repair shop or person in Montreal who could replace the seals cheaply. She has someone telling her that they'll charge her $60 to do this and that's just a bit much to do a job that takes all of 5 minutes.</p>

<p>I offered to do it for her at the cost of the seals ( $20 ) but shipping costs both ways does not make it cost effective for her to send it to me here in the States.</p>

<p>Or if there is someone in Montreal who would sell her one cheaply enough then perhaps she could go that route.</p>

<p>Just thought I'd ask on her behalf since I know nothing about the Montreal area.</p>

<p>Any other ideas are helpful too. I told her I'd send her the light seals and I sent her pictorial directions as to how to change them but she doesn't feel comfortable doing the job so that's why I'm appealing to people who know what she could do in Montreal.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance,<br>


<p> </p>

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