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Some more photos with the FUJI35 SE

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<p>Nice, but a little "grainier" than I've got with that film. How was it developed?</p>

<p>As for the resizing, what photoediting program(s) do you have? If you've got Photoshop or another I'm familiar with, I'll walk you through it, or someone else here will. Don't forget that a caption is necessary too for the image to display in line.</p>

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<p>Vasudevan! you could use Picasa or equivalent software, easily down-loadable from Google. I tried editing your picture with Picasa and got it down to 700 pixels, for a sample. The contrast levels in the picture are too wide a range to balance easily. You have some jet blacks and white blanches, difficult to span them. You may try diluting the developer a bit more, say, by 10 to 20%.</p><div>00Y1wW-321041584.jpg.049d22b70956cb251c6095e68a5a5c96.jpg</div>
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<p>Vasudevan - nice photos! I especially like the first Leaves shot. As for tender coconut - now you're bringing back fond memories.</p>

<p>As SP and JDM said, using Photoshop or Picasa will allow you to resize quite easily. Other options are Irfan View if you use a PC, or use one of the online picture hosting sites which also allow you to resize. PS is probably the best way to go. I use Photoshop Elements, it gives me all the functionality I need without the high sticker price of full Photoshop at a fraction of the cost ($80 in the US v/s over a $1000 for PS CS4 / 5 or whatever the current version is). Lightroom is also a good option, though it doesn't have the same level of control as regular PS.</p>

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<p>Thanks JDM/SP/Kayam & Mike for your comments. JDM: Developer was reused one time. I dont know if that caused the "grains". Developer is "SP" patent, from X ray developer. SP: Will dilute next time round.<br>

I use the Office computer and we have severe restrictions on downloands/running exe files/access to websites. Will try Office 2003.</p>


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<p>If you can use a flash drive or the like in the computer you're using, then download the portable version of the freeware program Irfanview. It fits easily on even a fairly small flash drive, and needs no installation to the host computer. This program works very well for cropping, resizing, and changing file types. Very rudimentary photo enhancement as well, but it's my favorite program for quick cropping, resizing, and just for viewing files.</p>

<p>If you need a freeware program for more sophisticated "photoshop-like" work, theres a program called "The Gimp," which is also available in a portable version, though it isn't as compact as Irfanview.</p>

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