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Is Flickr worth it?

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<p>I am trying to decide if I should put my pics on Flickr. I have used Flickr in the past but just for fun pics, but now I would like some of my good pics to be seen by everyone. I feel I can learn a lot from this & make new friends as well. But I'm afraid because it is so easy for anyone to download the pics. Should I put a large water mark on my pics or just hope for the best. I do have a pro smugmug account but I feel my pics and me have a better chance of getting noticed on Flickr. Thank you all :) </p>
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<p>When I put pro-quality photos on Flickr I put them up at a relatively small size (72 dpi, 800 pix or less on the longest side) and include a watermark along the bottom. I also include a link to the pro gallery if I have the same photo hosted there.</p>
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<p>In all honesty, your pictures have a better chance of getting "noticed" on photo.net than flickr. Photo.net is the 3rd result for a google search for your name, behind two facebook results. A search for "Gerry Braatz photography" gives three photo.net results at the top. How is flickr going to improve on that? I would put more energy into your PN activity and perhaps a public facebook page.</p>
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<p>I have a flickr account and a PN account, Both created about the same time. I have the same photos on both accounts, and the same social interaction (nearly none in both).<br>

For the last 24 months, I'd been contacted by some magazines and agencies to publish or promote my work, all them in PN. It´s not unusual to have more than 5000 views in my PN photos, but merely 60 in the same in my flickr account. So I would say PN is a better way to be seen.<br>


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