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how to sue a client for using images without a permission?

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<p>Spoken like someone who hasn't spent a lifetime building up stock images so they can retire comfortably and their family and heirs can benefit from all their hard work.</p>


<p>...or like an intellectual property lawyer who understands full well the hard work involved in amassing a stock image catalog and appreciates its significance and value, but who also places value on works entering the public domain after a suitable duration of exclusivity to the author, which I judge to be shorter than a human lifetime, rather than considerably longer. </p>

<p>Perhaps our difference of opinion comes not from your knowledge versus my ignorance, but simply from the fact that I place a higher value on works entering public domain after a couple of decades than you do.</p>

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<p>Stock photos are hardly the same as the "brand" and business that all started with a mouse. However, instead of complaining that you can't make and sell your own Mickey stickers to sell at the swap meet, there's nothing in the laws to preclude anyone from releasing their own intellectual property to the competition at any point in time. </p>

<p>Photographers, for the most part would be better off trying to gain support for a "small claims" copyright infringement resolution instead of seemingly wanting to leech off other's success.</p>

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You want to "teach him a lesson"? I think a small part of you is regretting that you didn't charge him appropriately to begin with. While you may have a case here, you're going to need an attorney who believes so as well. Lawsuits are NEVER a sure thing. Good luck. </p>

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