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No luck? Speed Graphic


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<p>I bought a strange looking Speed Graphic camera a few months ago and only now am I getting a chance to play with it. I have a Polaroid back for it and had purchased a box of Fuji Film instant black and white FP-100B Professional. I thought it was going to be individual films but they are encased in some type of cartridge.<br>

Am I completely out of luck here? Does this film not work for the back? I heard that they did, is there something special I need to do? I was really hoping to get to use this tomorrow :(</p>

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<p>I LOVE the speed graphic. Mine is a later version, post war i think. Has range finder, love it. I don't shoot polaroid, but 4x5 kodak tmax. The lens gives me great results though. I even bought some filters i found to give a bit more contrast. Its a cheaper way to go than using a view camera. I haven't used the polaroid but I think they are overlapped so you pull out each one individually. Don't quote me on that though, but I just wanted to tell you I sometimes found this site useful: graflex.org. Answers lot of questions. You ought to shoot film. I even found a roll film back at used store. Just lot of searching. Large format sites mostly. keyword graflex. You will find this is a wonderful camera</p>

<p>hope this helps.<br>


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<p>Google>fuji fp100b= fuji global site and this pdf:<br>

<a href="http://www.fujifilm.com/products/instant_photo/pdf/fp_100b_datasheet.pdf">http://www.fujifilm.com/products/instant_photo/pdf/fp_100b_datasheet.pdf</a><br>

FP100B is a pack film. The top left box labeled Specifications tells what Fuji equipment it fits. I do not know if it will fit any Graflex Polaroid backs or Polaroid backs. It will definitely not fit the Polaroid 500, 545, or 545I holders.</p>

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<p>Polaroid 50-series film is history -- gone forever. The machinery to make it was scrapped. The buildings now sit vacant, due to the recent real-estate bust. Not clear if the folks who asset-stripped the corpse of Polaroid got any money out of the Waltham, MA site yet...<br>

There are adapters for both sizes of pack film from Fuji to be used in 4x5 cameras. They may be a tight squeeze under the ground glass.</p>

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<p>I'm guessing that eventually you will want to purchase and load regular film holders. There are used ones for sale on the net but make sure they are in good condition as they develop light leaks after years of use.</p>

<p>Here is a video on YouTube on loading typical 4x5 film holders. <br>

<a href="


<a href="http://www.largeformatphotography.info/how-to-operate.html">http://www.largeformatphotography.info/how-to-operate.html</a></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks a ton for the links and information. I guess my best bet is going to be getting the adapter which I saw B&H has for $209 (ouch). Or maybe I'll just wait until I get my darkroom gear in the spring. Just would have been nice to be able to shoot some instant film in the mean time.<br>

Thanks Bob! lol, I don't know why but for someone reason on photo.net everyone calls me Linda, I've kinda gotten used to it but thank you for correcting everyone.<br>

If I ever get some shots out my 4x5 beauty, I'll post some.<br>

Should have posted a photo of it earlier but here she is.<br>

<img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_nRzSdvFm1tA/TR01yNM5iqI/AAAAAAAAAQY/84XlX4EDb60/s400/seda_4x5gogh.jpg" alt="" width="400" height="265" /></p>


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