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Elements 9 or not ?....

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<p>Kari - </p>

<p>I don't know about a "better" ACR - however there is a real good chance that the Elements 6 (which is now 3 versions old) won't support the current Raw converter which would be required to read the newer camera raw formats. </p>

<p>Typically with PS - I'm 1 - 2 versions behind - unless there is something really (and I mean really) cool in the newer version. And that seems to follow Adobe's support path for camera raw. </p>



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<p>This is exactly <strong><em>what</em></strong> I was thinking and reason for my question..</p>

<p>....you write...<em><strong> however there is a real good chance that the Elements 6 (which is now 3 versions old) won't support the current Raw converter which would be required to read the newer camera raw formats.</strong></em><br>

<em><strong> </strong></em>Basically, you answered my question with that phrase.....Thanks! <em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

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<p> I think PE-9 has the camera raw 6.2 plug-in. I do not know how old the K-5 camera is but if it is a very new model you may have to update to the 6.3 plug-in. You do it in the help menu under "updates" and follow the prompts. I just bought 9, but I am giving it to my daughter for her Mac. I have PE8 for myself to use with my Nikon D200 which has been out for several years already. It opens my RAW files very well so I will just stick with that one as long as I own the D200.</p>
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<p>Kari, I can't comment on the ACR suitability for Pentax cameras in version 9.0 but I would be very surprised if it didn't show a significant upgrade. As a version 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 and now 9.0 owner, I can say that I heartily recommend version 9.0. There are two significant changes from 8.0 that are long overdue. Also, since 7.0 some powerful merge tools became available. (BTW, I use a D200 like Ross.)<br>

If you look under 'Edit', 'Preferences' and check on 'Performance' you will see that 6.0 can only use 1.6 or so mb's of your computer's RAM. With version 9.0 its capacity increased to 3.5 mb. This is a big increase and will speed up tasks from your version 6.0.<br>

Secondly, 9.0 has added the ability to use Layer Masks. Google 'Layer Masks' to see what a valuable addition this is.<br>

This is far and away my favorite version of Elements and am not sure what I would realistically gain as an amateur photographer/editor by going with CS5.<br>

There is a $20 rebate available on 9.0 till the end if the year so shop for best price and go for it. I bought mine from B&H on sale and it ended up costing less than $40 when all was said and done. <br>

I am also in love with Topaz Lab's DeNoise program. It is nothing short of magical in noise elimination. You might want to give the free trial a go while you're at it if you are not already using it or another noise reduction program. Good luck,</p>

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<p>Thanks to all of you....</p>


<p>Less than $40 is an excellent price...but since I want the swedish version the price isn't that good but a local computer shop have a sale from December 26th and their price for the swedish version of PE9 that day is 799 Swekrona ($116,50 /normal price is around 1000:-/$146)...So, I'm going to purchase the PE9 on sunday....(for me the CS5 isn't an option)</p>

<p>Ross & Charles....</p>

<p>I visited the Adobe site for that particular ACR 6,3 upgrade and there stood exactly how to upgrade to the ACR 6,3 if one has the PE9....</p>

<p>In the end...I shoot DNG RAW with my Pentax but I still hope that an upgrade of software makes a difference.</p>

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