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That's it...(Part 2)


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<p>Today, less than 2 weeks after I sent my new K-5 back for service...I got a replacement with serial number #3913*** (the old had #3832***) the camera also contains sofware 1,01...</p>

<p>I had no expectations of getting anything before Christmas or New Year...So hopefully this is IT...that is...a camera that doesn't have those few problems I had with the first one.....(Christmas saved)</p>

<p>Also to me, this is "fast" service.....excellent work Pentax.....</p>

<p>Today I will only set all the menu's the way I want them and probably tomorrow I will take a few pictures to see that all is OK!</p>


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<p>Glad to hear it all worked out for you. I want to get a K-5 some day so I'm curious to see how early adopters are fairing with theirs. It's got all the specs you could want but need to keep an eye on the execution of the product by Pentax. A few glitches for a new product is not that unusual but not something so serious as to render the camera un-usable. Hopefully we won't hear about any more defects and can look forward to years of enjoyment with it.</p>
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<p>When I come home after work it's totally dark outside which made me today "only" to take <em><strong>one</strong></em> test picture from inside my home... and it was a flash picture with ISO set to 400....and the lens was the 16-45.....AND.....it seems that this is a totally different camera compared to the first one since this camera actually take sharp pictures...well, the picture I took was so sharp as I wanted it to be.</p>

<p>Like the first camera, this new one also has in my opinion an excellent WB...not much to change in PP... Compared to my old K10 the difference in WB is like night and day.</p>

<p>Otherwise, everything seems to work correctly....</p>

<p>One note to this is that the previous camera's first picture started with picture 0125 but this new one started with picture 0002...which makes me hope that picture 0001 was the one that the camera workshop took for a <em><strong>"test drive"</strong></em> of those known "sensor stains" among a lot of other things so that this camera was OK before they sent it to me....</p>

<p>Silly, but I will look for those stains myself <strong>after</strong> Christmas and New Year since I really don't want to sent this one to any service before those holidays......</p>

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