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Looking analog photographic shops in London!

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<p>Hi, all of you!<br /> I am writing because I'm going to London in January and want to have a lot of knowledge ahead of me.<br /> So I'm asking where could I find underground, backstreet, small, larger photographic shops in London, which deal with analog cameras - maybe only partly, mostly, only, all of 'em.<br /> Specially looking for medium format shops of parts for Mamiya RB67,<br />but also where do buy expired and fresh film (negative, slide, polaroid) cheaply and where to find Nikon and Canon older cameras like from the Nikon F50 to F100, F3, F4, etc. and from Canon A-1 and AE-1 cameras and FD lenses.</p>

<p>Thank you for your responses!<br /><br />Sincerely, Tormi</p>

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<p>Right off the bat, I can tell you that you won't get to first base calling them "analog" cameras. Even "analogue" would be (as they used to say in Londontown) infra dig.<br>

Film cameras, they're called <em>film</em> cameras.</p>

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<p>London does not really have many small photo shops any more. And those which do exist have to keep to the mainstream to survive against internet giants. These suggestions below are mostly 'pro' specialist shops. Not sure they are underground but maybe a basement or two :</p>



<p>Little bit out in the wilds of Croydon but :</p>


<p>Mr Cad are probably the best for unusual bits and pieces and are an Alladins Cave of photo stuff much of it analog. But if you say 'analog' to them they will probably not know what you mean:-)</p>

<p>Well out of London (Poole) but probably the best MF shop in the UK and worth a visit if they have what you want :</p>


<p>Robert white has a basement but is definitely overground.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I just got some 160NC from Kingsley Photographic yesterday (http://www.kingsleyphoto.co.uk/), I think I saw some used MF gear, but not necessarily the Mamiya you mention. For older Nikon gear, apart from Aperture mentioned above, also check out http://www.graysofwestminster.co.uk/</p>

<p>There is another store frequented by my mostly film shooting friends in south london, but the name escapes me :-/</p>

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<p>Well, as a store front I didn't that that Grays was all that big compared to US standards.</p>

<p>While it's definately worth a vistit for Nikon owners, the prices might put you off a bit. Service though is quite first rate, and deserves a vist on that alone.</p>

<p>I don't think they had a new F6 to use when I was there last month though. But any used Nikon equipment they may have would tend to be in excellent shape.</p>

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<p>As Steve said, Aperture is really good. Everyone who frequents it knows that is what it is called, but if you're new to London, you'll want to look for the Camera Cafe. That's what it says on the exterior of the place. And, yes, the coffee and chow mein are excellent--as are the prices generally and the honesty of the guys behind the counter.</p>

<p>Within a very short distance from Aperture are York Cameras and Classic Camera, both on Bury Place. York has a small variety of film stuff--some quite nice--and Classic caters to the Leicaphile. As does R.G. Lewis, primarily, on Southampton Row. The Jacobs on New Oxford Street stocks quite a bit of used gear, much of it medium format. Sendean, a camera repair place in Soho, also has a motley selection of used stuff for sale. All those places can be reached in a not terribly long walking tour, during which you could also take in the British Museum, Covent Garden and the attractions near Trafalgar Square, all of which are nearby--and the Photographer's Gallery just a short bus ride away.</p>

<p>Also a short hop away on the bus or a brisk walk, and very near each other, are the previously mentioned Kingsley Photographic and Teamwork; the latter carries a lot of second-hand medium and large format gear. Down on The Strand you'll find the London Camera Exchange. Pop in there, and make the short trip from there to Somerset House and the Courtauld Gallery, definitely an enriching experience! As already mentioned, Grays of Westminster is a mecca for Nikon users--they have a huge range of kit, although prices there are a bit on the high side.</p>

<p>If you're a Leica aficionado, a trip up Clerkenwell Road to Red Dot Cameras is worthwhile, especially as you could combine it with a walk a mere couple of blocks north to the Magnum Print Gallery, and a little further on the Association of Photographers gallery near the Old Street roundabout.</p>

<p>I'm from Croydon, and I can vouch that Mr. CAD is indeed a cornucopia of old photographic gear--cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, processing apparatus and chemicals. Their prices can be a bit higher than you'd expect on camera gear, unless Alex (the proprietor) is running one of his irregularly scheduled half-price sales. He always has expired film of all kinds on hand--he occasionally buys up the stock of photo chains/stores that are getting out of film--and he's got quite a bit of Polaroid and Fuji instant film in stock.</p>

<p>I've visited all the above and bought from many of them, and they sound like what you're looking for. Independently run places (except Jacobs) staffed by folks who know and love photography, particularly film photography.</p>

<p>That being said, my very favourite place of all is also down in Croydon...not really a long trip if you get a fast train from Victoria or London Bridge. That would be High Street Radio or, as it's more appropriately known on the Web, croydonphotocentre.co.uk.</p>

<p>Reg Roach, an eccentric and garrulous old fellow, has been selling camera gear there for 50 years. He's particularly interested in Leica, although he currently has a couple of RB67 bodies and some lenses, a few nice Hasselblads & Rolleiflexes, and an odd variety of other classic stuff, including drawers & cabinets full of hard to find but vital odds & ends. You can check out the website if you're looking for something in particular, or pop him an e-mail.</p>

<p>There's an off-kilter gaggle of regulars (like me!) who come in and hang out for hours, gabbing and fondling gear. A conversation with Reg is really a treat, he's one of the last of the traditional London shopkeepers and an honest businessman who stands behind what he sells. He'll be happy to let you examine the wares to your satisfaction, and he's willing to bargain a bit within reason. His goal is to make sure you leave his shop with both you and him pleased with your purchase.</p>

<p>I'd definitely recommend, if you can at all pull it off, budgeting an hour or two for a run down there for a visit. Just don't come on Wednesday or Sunday, as those are the two days he's closed. Do come hungry, as Croydon has a surprising variety of quality eating establishments near Reg's shop in the South End that some critics contend are worth a visit in themselves. I'd be glad to offer advice on those as well!</p>

<p>Have a great visit, and happy shopping!</p>

<p> </p>

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