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Just bot 7D Great Camera- comment-couple suggestions


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<p>I just got the 7D and love it. Great for scenics and for wildlife photography. Almost all the superlatives have been mentioned, so no point repeating them, except to say I agree, plus, if not said enough already, the enlargements are terrific, perhaps rivalling my former medium format.<br>

I noticed that the 60D now has a lock on the mode dial, but not the 7D, a feature I'd like to see. By simply handling the camera, that dial can easily be rotated to an undesired setting. Sometimes, as with wildlife, there's little to no time to react, so it would be nice to lock a favored setting in place. I want to be assured of the correct exposure for the quick, grab shots when they come along, rather than losing valuable time fussing with the dials, and perhaps missing the shot.<br>

The other feature I'd like to see is an easily accessible mirror lock up button, similar to this new JPEG/RAW button on the back of the camera, like the old film Nikon bodies had. The custom function 13 is okay, but it can be a bit tedious in the elements trying to set it when you are on location. What's worse is forgeting to cancel the mirror lock up after using it like for a scenic, and then trying for an action shot of say wildlife, only to find out you can't get the shot. A simple button would be ideal, imho. MM</p>

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<p>I find the quickest MLU is to press the Live View button: wham, instant mirror lockup. You'll never get a dedicated button for MLU as most sports and action shooters--the market for this camera--would use it almost as much a direct print button. Realize you can save your fav combo of settings (including MLU) in C1, C2 & C3 positions. I have AI servo, high speed wind, Av (F2.8), AutoISO, and center AF with cluster expansion saved on C1. I thought about putting MLU on C2 but LV works faster and it more useful to see your subject when the mirror is locked up than having a black VF.</p>

<p>I've had a 7D for over a year and never--not once--have inadvertently rotated the Command Dial. I have accidentally rotated the QCD many a time. I just bought a 60D for my wife and, I must say, I hate that Command Dial lock with a passion. You must press it every damn time to switch modes, even from Av to M. I predict there will be a lot of busted dials. I recalling breaking the one on my old EOS A2 three freakin' times when I forgot to press it...</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I too have a 7d and love it just the way it is! I don't see myself upgrading any soon, but when time is come, I do hope this dial lock button idea will have already disappeared from earth. I have tried it on the 60D and wholeheartedly *hate* it. I can't see anything less ergonomic as having to press this tiny button with your index and at the same time turning the dial with the thumb and middle finger. More so if you are not so dexterous with the left-hand. Let alone if you have big, thick fingers. I think this alone would prevent me from buying a camera, for I think time lost with that would far outweigh time lost with restoring eventual accidental changes (which, btw *never* happened to me). But of course, that's just me...</p>


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<p>Puppy, I like your take on using Live view for MLU. I have a 60D, and Rebel T1i, so far I have MLU programmed as the 1st or 2nd item in the My Menu settings. So at most, it's three/four button pushes. I like the Live view route you mentioned.<br>

As for the Command Dial lock, I welcome it, I don't love it or hate it. But since owning the 60D, I've gotten used to it, and it's 2nd nature now. But I came from using a Rebel, so now my left hand has the role of switching modes, whereas for the Rebel, it had nothing to do beside cradling the lens.</p>

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<p><em>I noticed that the 60D now has a lock on the mode dial, but not the 7D, a feature I'd like to see. By simply handling the camera, that dial can easily be rotated to an undesired setting. Sometimes, as with wildlife, there's little to no time to...</em></p>

<p>I concur 100%. The 7D's dial is too easily accidentally rotated as compared to what I experienced with the 10D and 40D. And for sure an MLU dedicated button would be a top NEED from me as well.</p>

<p>I think in the archives Bob A. did a study on MLU and found that for certian frequencies/shutter-speeds it was really only useful around 1/30 to 1/4 of a second (shutter speed, and for perhaps FL's of under 100mm).</p>

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<p>Could have sworn I responded to the replies, Well, once again- all good and insightful. I never thought of the Live View for the MLU- terrific idea!<br>

Just got this shot with the 7D:<br>

<a href="http://www.markmillerphotos.com/p676152429/he6c1c13#he6c1c13">http://www.markmillerphotos.com/p676152429/he6c1c13#he6c1c13</a><br>

Thanks, MM</p>

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