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Nikon Wednesday Pic 2010: #47

Matt Laur

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<p>Kent, the fluffy white hotel robe is the give away. I don't know if they actually call it sleeping, but they are resting and not moving until it warms up, and since it was early morning, I prefer to call it sleeping because I should have been sleeping instead of looking for bugs. ;-)</p>

<p>Roberta, I got an Oregon Cycnia id, but you know these bugs...a lot look similar to each other.</p>

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<p>Hello, Fellow Nikonians ! Last Sunday I went for a walk to the coast of Lisbon, near Cascais, to a place called "Boca do Inferno" (Hell's Mouth) and took a picture of these amateur fishermen with both my digital and analogic Nikons. Here is the digital version. The analogic version, in b&w, may be next week.<br>

Have a good photo week !</p>


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<p>As always, a lot of great shots. Favorites so far this week:</p>

<p>Dieter Schaefer<br>

Hamish Gray<br>

Peter Simpson<br>

Roberta Davidson</p>

<p>Mine is a shot of the Olde Kerk, in Amsterdam. Conveniently located beside the Red Light District.</p>

<p> </p><div>00XjzM-305409584.thumb.jpg.32e8324fa2067af7f132ad27a12bb25b.jpg</div>

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<p>Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am on vacation in the Chicago, Illinois and did not have a photo for today, so I used this corner of my Sister's house to try out some lighting setups that I have learned lately.<br>

I used my pop up flash to trigger 2 off camera flashes, 1 sb-600 and 1 sb-900.<br>

I also do not have my computer so I wasn't able to do anything in Photoshop, so this is right out of the camera, except for resizing to 700.<br>

All photos so far are absolutely spectacular.<br>

Again wishing all a wonderful holiday.<br>

phil b<br>


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<p>We went for a walk this weekend on our monthly gathering with a local photography group. I usually take only one lens with me, and now it was the turn of the 12-24 mm, on my D90.</p>

<p>This guy joined us as if it were our guide through the whole visit of the town.</p><div>00Xk0u-305423584.jpg.2e8d469b31530cb883a08991cad1206e.jpg</div>

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<p>Hi Everyone! Great portraits in this week's thread!</p>

<p>Last Friday I was teaching some kids the very basics of photography (read: everything I know :) ) in a workshop at a local school, and one of the kids had this neat concept in his mind. His shots of this were better than mine, and since I can't post his photo, here's my grab shot of his idea.</p>

<p> </p><div>00Xk1K-305427584.jpg.61877a0a5f93e9f8abe249dd667561cf.jpg</div>

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