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Pentax Camera Phone.


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<p>Well it's an LG that made a camera and put phone components on it... or is it a phone that they put camera components? It will only be sold in Japan, and the reason I'm putting it here is because they are using a Pentax lens. Wonder what the guts are, and if there's more info out there... looks kinda neat.<br>

<a href="http://gizmodo.com/5684124/is-lgs-latest-gadget-a-camera-or-a-phone">http://gizmodo.com/5684124/is-lgs-latest-gadget-a-camera-or-a-phone</a></p>

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<p>It's neat, but this isn't new -other than it uses a Pentax lens of course ;-) . Actually I pointed out something similar the other night coming home from Manhattan. The guy had what was definitely a camera/media player and possibly phone. He was asian, and I know these have been floating around Asia for a long time, I wasn't sure if it was a KIRF (keeping it real fake) or a genuine article. As a matter of fact doesn't Sony Ericson produce a camera phone (or several) that is more camera than phone? Truthfully, our mobile products and diversity in the US is quite lacking from Japan and perhaps other Asian markets.</p>

<p>Not sure what Gizmodo's problem was with the look of the camera, personally I think Ricoh's are nice looking cameras. One thing i learned is to not take Engadget or Gizmodo or these other sites seriously when it comes to cameras. They do well at getting info out the door fast, but it's for the gadget heads rather than photographers.</p>

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<p>I have my doubts that it's a real Pentax lens, considering that Pentax outsourced their compact/point-and-shoot manufacturing a couple years ago. It seems likely that LG is licensing the Pentax brand name, the way other companies have done with Leica, Schneider, Zeiss, et al. If so, it's a good deal for Pentax -- they get some cash and don't really have to do anything in return.</p>
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<p>Yeah, but I would think Pentax still designs it's compact lenses. The reason I say that, is unlike Zeiss or Schneider, Pentax actually did make compact cameras, so designing the lenses would seem reasonable. Also, I know Pentax has been quite proud of it's Optio W series non extending zoom lenses, as I read an interview relating to it at some point. Granted this was probably before the outsourcing, but still I would think they still do in-house design.</p>

<p>Also, Pentax does do lens design for other things besides SLR cameras, actually if you look around, besides medical equipment they make quite a few products, even CCTV cameras! So while not impossible that LG just licensed Pentax name, I'm skeptical they wouldn't license a bigger name (Zeiss, Leica; or to Javier's dismay, Schneider, which is a big name in some circles) than Pentax.</p>

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