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Viewfinder magnifier for PM45?


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I've realized that I can't see thru my PM45 clearly enough to get

maxium sharp focus wide open on my 250 SA. So I was set to get

the Hasselblad viewfinder magnifier for the PM45 when I came

across a comment by Dr. Fleischer on Photo.net about how he

focusses for fine resolution using a Zeiss miniquick monocular

(5x10). It's not clear from his post HOW he's using it -- whether

against a prism finder or with a waist level finder. I asked B&H

about it and despite the fact that they sell the miniquick they said

they never heard of using it in such a way, didn't think that that

would work, and to just buy the Hasselblad magnifier (twice the



Cost really isn't an issue here. But I am very interested in the

miniquick since it provides greater magnification, could -- it seems

to me -- be directed at various areas of the viewfinder instead of

being restricted to the center, and also would be more generally

useful just to carry around. Anyway, I wouldn't want to use the

Hasselblad magnifier all the time, but only for particularly high

resolution shots (a cathedral detail, shot wide open with infrared,

for example). So I'm not wedded to a full-time, 100% Hasselblad



To reiterate (my question evidently wasn't sufficiently clearly

articulated on the HUG list): *HOW* would one use a miniquick as a

focussing aid with a Hasselblad? Could one only perform this

operation with a waist level finder, or would it work with the PM45?

Would there be other issues to be aware of, such as, for example,

scratching either finders' glass?


If anybody could shed light on this question it would be very, very




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