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Nikon Warranty


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<p>Just like to say hats off to Nikon Warranty.They warranty my 4 year old Nikon 70-200 Vr Had it back to me in less then 2 weeks with no charge! They replaced the function button,replaced lens bayonet mount Adjust Auto focus.Also checked VR unit,zooming mechanism,checked communication and General Check&clean. Just wanted to pass this along</p>
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<p>My experience here (Australia) is that Nikon here are much improved. The only possible thing to bare in mind is this: Nikon Australia use 3 or 4 (long term loyal) external Nikon certified repairers when they get too busy. These guys also get all the older film body repairs as well. This is done deliberately to keep the Nikon experts more financially secure. Any serious repairs or hard stuff gets shipped to Japan. They are also making a determined effort to look after their pro photographers...especially the ones who migrated from Canon to the D3. They know who they are too from the documentation. Front up to a Nikon dealer with an old 1Dxxx and ask about a D3 and see the feet move. And its about time too. They were too arrogant for too long. Now we have to wait for Canon's response, eh? And its all good for the consumer. </p>
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