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Hasselblad at Photokina


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Visiting Hasselblad at the Photokina, I noticed a big difference

between user's demand and Hasselblad's offers: more or less no people

wanted to see the "multivision show" about the new H1, most wanted

infos about the so called V-system. But Hasselblad didn't show

ANYTHING new but changed the name of the system. Byebye, Hasselblad.

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<i>no people wanted to see the "multivision show" about the new H1</i><BR><BR>

Not surprising, since who would want to sit through such a thing except for brand cultists. And these same fans are too busy crying and ripping their hair out, screaming that the apocalypse is upon us.

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It seems only amongst Leica and Hasselblad fanciers that anything the

company produces which departs even a single iota from the Traditional

Goodness that the owners like causes much gnashing of teeth, wailing about

the End of the World, etc.





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I saw about one minute of the 'multivision show' on the H1 and found it utterly boring. In fact I don´t see anything really interesting in the H1 system. There nothing it can do (except high-speed flash sync) that the Contax 645 cannot, and the Contax even has Zeiss glass.


Rumor has it the Fuji is going take over Hasselblad soon.





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<i>Isn't Leica currently owned in majority by

Hermes?</i><br><br>No. As far as I know, Hermes have a

minority stake (something in the order of 30%).<br><br>As

heretical as it may sound to some, I can't help but think that

Hasselblad would benefit greatly from being taken over by Fuji.

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Interestingly though, Rollei has been bought back by its employees - reminds me of Harley. Even more interesting, at least in light of this debate, Hasselblad is currently going through a major financial struggle and I believe is looking for buyers - Rollei has been one of them (rumors). This might explain many of Hasselblad's recent actions. From my own point of view some of Hasselblad's move make a lot of sense. While there is a place for classic equipment and Hasselblad is doing a masterful job in terms of craftsmanship and PR, in the bigger picture Hasselblad has missed the boat for a while. Fuji on the other hand easily fits with Hasselblad's dedication for quality. Think about the Xpan. I am personally very imprssed with my GSW690 and just from people I am talking to the GX680 also has a very high standard. I think it all makes perfectly sense and honestly I wish it works out. In fact, the H1 is a great concept, if it wasn't that expensive...
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I did notice one very interesting point about the H1 -

the lenses are made by Fuji!


> While it is a Hasselblad camera, the HC lenses are made by Fuji, based on Hasselblad specifications and have Hasselblad shutters built in them.


After all these years of paying mega bucks for Zeiss glass, suddenly

it seems Fuji is good enough for the latest and greatest.

The panoramic was the first sign, now this. IMHO this seems a

major direction change, maybe Hassy is feeling the strain

and they just can't justify the cost differential over other

MF manufacturers anymore?


Best regards,



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I don't think Fuji is just being allowed to bring its quality to

Hasselblad! It might be the other way: Fuji is making Hasselblad lenses

as per Hasselblad standard.


Look at an Xpan. Its lenses. And look at a Fuji 680III and its lenses.

Just compare these two cameras (and lenses), and yes they are two

very different beasts, you shall find visible difference in quality!


Fuji 680 lenses' aperture ring is wobbly! It has no stops. Xpan lens'

ring stops at 1/2 stop. Beautiful aperture blades. I am not talking of Fuji lenses optical quality-- I think that is what Fuji brings to Hasselblad. Mechanical quality I hope not! I love a GX680III, but does its mechanical aspects lure me-- NO. However I am very surprised with Xpan lenses! I have used only the 45mm and the 90mm! The only thing that

reminds me of Fuji on the xpan camera is its film-door knob. Same as in

680' back!


The point I am making is, I think Hasselblad has retained its quality

control over Fuji Xpan, and I hope that is the way for the 645 camera too.

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