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Retina 1b vs yashica 35cc

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<p>Gentle men<br>

i have two range-finders<br>

a retina 1b and a the 35cc<br>

i am not completely aware of the true differences in performance and which i should keep<br>

i am aware of the lens on the retina its is sharp and has this contrast i have not seen on any other prints<br>

they are both in great shape <br>

and i know the 35cc has a faster lens and is automated in its exposers but for fine art will the lens on the yashica preform any thing like the older lens on the the folding range finder<br>

i know this should be up to me and i have used both of these and find them both good performers <br>

but i am letting one go ...which one??<br>

i have read so many forums about japan lens vs german on very similar cameras but i have not seen much on these two <br>

there common treat is there both range finders ,<br>

from some experience options what say you </p>

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<p>The Yashica has a [rather] modern and fast 35mm lens that will outperform any vintage Tessar lens. If you can't notice this with your cameras something might be wrong with your Electro 35 CC. The AE system and the better viewfinder are also big plusses and make the Yashica a much more easier- and faster-to-use camera (in addition to the parallax correction and more useful wide angle lens). But if you find these features not that exciting, just keep the camera you feel more comfortable with. In my case this would be the CC, but your milage may vary.</p>

<p>Then again, if you want maximum image quality performance, don't waste your time with 35mm cameras but get into medium format! [Or - <em>gasp!</em> - full-frame dSLRs!]</p>

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<p><strong>"....for fine art will the lens on the yashica preform any thing like the older lens on the the folding range finder"</strong></p>


<p>Would you like to expand on this question, Robert? What kind of photography are you interested in? <strong> </strong></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p>


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<p>Yes yes the medium format ha , can you believe i am in the same dilemma <br>

i have a koni omega rapid m and a maymia rb67 torn to be in a relationship with just one<br>

So yes thank you ill choice a med format and set sail and try to look at the results from the 35mm RF and choice but any more technical info ?<br>

the kind of work(ha ) i love to do is drama with light out of the studio (but not always)<br>

i want a lot of depth of field and contrast, sharpness detail and i want it now ha <br>

i love nudes , i just love the idea of going out there , more nature than the idea of using triangles and geometry to capture a shot but find in nature some thing in itself is worthy of a picture then change myself to "pose a nude in the composition thats fun and ideal but i am also out there snapping away the street scene the human comedy,<br>

now this is what i understand from all of you, my peers<br>

it doesn't matter what the camera is the sharpest lens whats the motor drive whats the brand , fall in love with taking pictures and to do this find a good friend a camera that you bound with because the results are your results , your control your perspective and take pictures with passion or sit at home and collect the cameras as works of art in them self's and to hell with going out there with any inspiration , <br>

the truth is i had a leica camera that produced the most amazing pictures oh my god and one day i was shooting this girl in tree and i was nervous , (my downfall as a aggressive photographer) , i set the camera down to shoot with a different brand , left and drove the girl home then BING LATA BOOM my camera i left it in the grass and i raced back just in time to see it get hit by a tractor mower i have gotten the same camera same lens twice and ..nope , i have tried to get the same results , it was initself a one of kind<br>

any how thats my experience</p>



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Wow Mr Peteresen what a dilema.. Old Loves (Leica and naked girls) destroyed by tractor mowers and 35mm RFs vs MF like Koni Omega vs RB 67 and all for the one of a kind Leica!

IF you find trhe results stunning with the old Tessar (unique vintage contrast) then sell the Yashica. God knows there'S plent of them. Most people hold the creature comforts as important. Sort of like windup windows vs side curtains on classic sport cars. In the MF I know the Koni not the RB. The "brute" is so deliberate and the Hexanon 90mm is so sharp I like using it because I know what I need to do to get results. I think the creature comforts of WYSIWYG/SLR would easily win over the "brute" but some of us are gluttons for punishment, in which case keep the Koni and let some poor slob feel like God using

a MF SLR. Nothing is irreplaceable use the money you sell the RB and the Yashica for yet another Leica.. you know it was your only true love!! Please accept my advice in the good humor it was intended!

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<p>well... i no longer have the decsion to make...sadly i was hit by a car on my bike and i fliped twice besides pyhical damages the yashica did take a hit and shattered the lens off and the advance leveris lost but the good news is that the fm2 (nikon) took just as much as a beating and it is still intacked ! lens hood broke off but it still wants to take pictures some of you were correct in that camera is a tank ha <br>

thank you all </p>

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<p>Use and compare them, and see which one you like the most.<br>

Yes, the 2,8 Xenar is a Tessar type of lens, but it doesn't have to be less good than a six element lens. The advantage of a six element lens is that the sharpness is more even to the corners at large apertures. Stopped down a bit, the four element lenses can be as good, or better. My Retina Ib Xenar outperforms the 1,8/50 Zuiko for my Olympus in regards of sharpness.</p>

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<p>YES tessar i loved this lens for black and whites and have used several cameras with its design <br>

i am ok hurt shoulder and i look forward to when i can shoot again<br>

the 35cc is toast it took a hit were the lever to wind the film advance is dented <br>

i just got a fm2 with a 55mm macro so ,, any one needing a 35cc for parts or feels like tackling a possible easy fix let me know shes yours </p>

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<p>YES tessar i loved this lens for black and whites and have used several cameras with its design <br>

i am ok hurt shoulder and i look forward to when i can shoot again<br>

the 35cc is toast it took a hit were the lever to wind the film advance is dented <br>

i just got a fm2 with a 55mm macro so ,, any one needing a 35cc for parts or feels like tackling a possible easy fix let me know shes yours </p>

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