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Help Me -Remote trigger for D5000?


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<p>Hello -ok so I am looking to get a remote trigger for my D5000. I would like to do family pictures that I can be in too...so in order to make this happen I need a remote trigger. Any recommendations on one? I know they seem cheap compared to most equipment but I am looking for something easy to use and not alot of wires everywhere if that is common.Thanks in advance :)</p>
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<p>Thanks Kris! I called B & H to get some advise from them and the guy was a jerk but besides that he recommended: <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/654656-REG/Vivitar_VIV_RC_200_D90_VIV_RC_200_D90_Wireless_Remote_Shutter.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/654656-REG/Vivitar_VIV_RC_200_D90_VIV_RC_200_D90_Wireless_Remote_Shutter.html</a><br>

I am leaning towards the wireless that way I have a bigger range and dont have to worry about hiding the wires lol. i thought $37 was kind of high compared to other prices...but maybe thats the nature of the beast and you get what you pay right?</p>

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<p>The radio one will have longer range and will be less problematic in bright light, but is larger and more fiddly to use (you have to expose the remote port, plug it in, etc.). On the positive side, it's probably harder to lose/misplace than the little IR remotes.</p>
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<p>Another vote for the ML-L3. It's cheap and it works well. The only drawback is that it's so small that it's easy to misplace (as Lisa E alluded to). I'm currently on my second remote because I lost the first one. :-( The case that comes with it has holes so that you can thread your camera strap though it. If you're going to be using it a lot, this might be a good idea.</p>
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<p>If you are lucky, your TV remote could possibly trigger your camera. Try your remotes at home if there is a matching code? Some people reported some TV remotes to work with Nikon at much longer range.</p>

<p>Not sure if recomendation for a radio trigger would work for you, if your camera does not have the Nikon 10 pin control socket?</p>

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