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What is a Pentax PK 67 Mount??


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<p>On ebay, there are a few sellers selling adapter that will convert a Pentax PK 67 Mount lenses to Canon or Nikon mounts.</p>

<p>Since I have a suite of Pentax 67 lenses, so I thought it might be a fun thing to give it a try. However, when I posted the question to the seller, he seems to have no idea!!! </p>

<p>So, does any one on this forum know? I did a google search, but nothing really helpful came up.</p>



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<p>I don't think there is any such thing as a "Pentax PK 67" lens mount. They probably mean just "Pentax 6x7" -- maybe they're pulling in the K from the Pentax K mount for 35mm, since the K mount and the Pentax 6x7 mount are both bayonets, in contrast to the older screw-mount Pentax 35mm cameras.</p>
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<p>I also have an array of Pentax / Takumar 6x7 lenses, and have original Pentax adapter that mounts the 6x7 lenses on a Pentax K mount cameras like Pentax 35 film MX, ME, K1000, MV, Vivitar K1000, etc.<br>

While it is fun to try, the 6x7 lenses are much too large for small sensor or 35 mm film cameras, and cumbersome to use with all the applicable limitations, on the top of heavy weight.<br>

I would imagine that it would be easy to make Pentax 6x7 lens moount to Nikon cameras, in a similar manner like Pentax did it for their 35 mm film cameras.<br>

You would need at least Nikon D200, D300, D700 or better camera that would provide metering for the lens attached as a non-CPU lens. All other apects, like manual focus, no D information, ...make the use of Pentax lenses on Nikon DSLR cameras less appealing and not practical.</p>

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<p>The Pentax 6x7 to Pentax K adapter was intended for using the long 6x7 telephots lens with a Pentax 35mm body. These lenses when mounted on a tripod make sense to use with a 35mm camera when you need longer reach - such as the 60mm f/4 preset 6x7 lens.</p>
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