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Problems with D300 since getting it fixed


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<p>Recently got my D300 fixed under warranty for problems with the shutter. They replaced much more than the shutter, but I can't remember what was on the repair list and most of it I didn't know what it was anyway. Since then I have felt the auto white balance has been really bad. I thought something was strange but I just set it manually and didn't worry too much about it. I don't really use the camera that much anyway. I did check the WB fine tune and also reset with the green buttons (which I will try hard to never do again - what a pain). </p>

<p>But now I realized that Low 1.0 does not work correctly. If I start at some exposure at ISO 200 in manual exposure mode, make a correct exposure, then go to low 1.0 and adjust the shutter speed to compensate, the frame basically blows out completely. Truly amazing - especially when you watch the histogram. I noticed the problem before, but just chalked it up to losing dynamic range in the Low 1.0 mode, though I did think this was strange as well because I never noticed it previously. But today was cloudy, no problems, and it is definitely out of wack. The meter seems to work correctly. In order to get a good exposure I have to under-expose about three stops in Low 1.0 relative to the meter reading. In general though IQ seems to be as it ever was. Not sure what the raw files look like in low 1.0.</p>

<p>I guess I should just take it back in but I'm curious if anyone else has had these problems?</p>

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