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How do I adjust the light meter in a Minolta SRT-202?


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<p>I just got a 202 and it disagrees with my other camera meters, it reads 2/3 to one full stop brighter than it should. I have tried several batteries and the CRIS M9 but they all show the same reading.<br>

I know I can just twist the ASA knob but I would like to learn how to adjust it, the Service manual was of surprisingly little help other than for adjusting the battery check.</p>

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<p>Each notch on the ASA dial is 1/3 of a stop. If the error you see is consistent and if you don't want to have the camera professionally serviced then you can indeed adjust the ASA dial. If your camera is loaded with 200 speed film and you are getting a reading with is 2/3 of a stop too high, you need to set the ASA dial to 125, or two notches down. Tape a memo note to the back of the camera so you remember that the meter is off any by how much. </p>
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<p>Do you wear glasses? I just realized this past Sunday that my SRTs are very sensitive to extraneous light entering from the eyepiece! Since the sensors are in the prism, it's easy for this to affect the light reading.</p>

<p>Many years ago, before I wore glasses everyday, this wasn't an issue, but I was getting curious on Sunday why the exposure wasn't changing when I applied a red filter over the lens, which should have resulted in a 2 stop change. I finally figured it out when I put my hand over top of the camera to aid in focusing, and the meter changed by quite a bit!</p>

<p>Now to remember to have a hat with me, or switch back to contacts...</p>

<p>This doesn't seem to affect my X-570, though...</p>

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<p>You can recalibrate the meter. These electronics are old, they need attention every once in a while - heck, even when they were new, meter calibration was routine maintenence.</p>

<p>I had a bookmark to calibration instructions but it's on another computer and it might be easier to send it out, if you care about this enough that you'd spend money on it. I have an SRT that's off by a stop, and I just put a label on the bottom o remind me of that and I adjust the ASA dial.</p>

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<p>I have 2 SRT-101s and another SRT-202 as well as an X-570 that was re-ferbd and tested, they all agree with each other but this last 202 is the one that meters high, so it's not a stray light issue.<br>

Really want to do the adjustment myself and I think I know where the adjuster is in the camera but not sure. Once I get it right I also want to do the diode mod myself.</p>

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<p>Yup, been there done that.<br>

He doesn't go into it there but I think I already can adjust the battery check level to align with the indicator block but that's a different adjustment than meter level or sensitivity.<br>

Sombody here MUST know how to do this lol</p>

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