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Introduction to PHASE ONE: What to ask?


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tomorrow a sales person of PHASE ONE will stop by and present the new 65+ camera to me. I already took down a couple of questions but would also like to hear some hints of you of what I could either ask or should really pay attention to.<br>

I am currently shooting Canon EOS 1ds MKIII and am thinking of switching to medium format. I didn't like the Hasselblad H4D40 when I was at the demo presentation. It just didn't feel right moving around always when focussing.<br>

I shoot people and I use the camera inside at low light but also want to use it outside and without a tripod.</p>

<p>Is there anything you could please draw my attention to with all your experience in medium format? It would really be great to check everything out at the presentation that is important to know.<br>

Especially as the price of this camera is so high, I'm not even sure if I "need" it...</p>

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<p>It just didn't feel right moving around always when focussing.</p>


<p>If you mean "moving around" to get the focus brackets in the center of the finder centered on your subjects eye, then "moving around" again to get your composition the way you want it, then Phase One (Mamiya 645) bodies are exactly like Hasselblad bodies. I'm stealing another photographer's description "it's like autofocus straight out of 1985".</p>

<p>If you like the autofocus system of the 1Ds III, then you're spoiled. There's only two cameras on the planet in that league, Canon 1Ds III (which you've got) and Nikon D4x (which probably isn't worth switching to).</p>

<p>Now, I'm anticipating Canon bringing out 1Ds IV around the end of October. They dumped the outdated "PhotoKina style" mid September release dates a while back. 1D IV came out October 20, 2009, and I'm anticipating 1Ds IV around the same time in 2010. This isn't a "stocking stuffer" that needs to be ordered by retailers in time for the holidays, it's a pro camera that gets ordered when budgets are being written in January.</p>

<p>OK, aside from that, since you're interested in low light inside and without tripod outside, be sure to either shoot samples at the higher ISO settings, or at least get them to provide some. Check out the autofocus ability under low light conditions. If possible, shoot some side-by-side, same subject, with the P1 and your 1Ds III.</p>

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