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Please can you assist in trying to get this effect


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I am pretty new to photography and I would love to figure out how to take my own product photos with amazing backgrounds as seen at this site. spiritsinstone.com/Spirits_c_18-3-0.html<br>

Is it done with just colored spotlights shining on a background or is it all digital backgrounds?<br>

any guidance would be appreciated.<br>



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<p>While there may be a bit of post-production work done on the computer there to push the saturation or contrast, etc., on those backgrounds, I'd say that most of what you're seeing is simply a gelled background light. Gels are sheets of colored filter material, sort of like thick colored mylar, used with lighting requipment. The background light appears to be low, behind and below the table holding the product, shining up at the background material. The background material is probabaly a neutral colored piece of muslin with some random texture patterning, but it could also be seamless paper or most anything else there to catch the light. <br /><br />The products themselves are also lit separately, of course, and with some care. In order to light the products without casting that same (non-colored) light onto the backdrop, the photographer is taking some care to control the light sources with grids, or flags, etc.<br /><br />I'd highly recommend getting yourself a copy of the bible on this subject, the book <em><a href="http://www.laurphoto.com/prdr/light_science_magic">Light: Science and Magic</a></em>. Read it cover to cover for a very good grounding in how to handle just this sort of thing. You'll come away thinking very differently about light, and how to use it.</p>
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<p>To add to what Matt has already pointed out...</p>

<p>If you look at <a href="http://www.jphotoarts.com/Client-work/Jamie-Hair/11242385_Eyzao#788461692_AsE5f">this Gallery</a> you will see similar backgrounds. The background was a grey cloth shot with a gelled flash.</p>

<p>You can play with different materials and colors to fine tune what you want. There was some changes in post process to increase saturation and intensity of the color. The cloth was one of many that I got at a craft store in the sewing section. They sell it by the yard. I have also used simple bed sheets.</p>


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