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looking for best raw file converter/ done with DPP

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<p>I know this question is like comparing apples with oranges, canon vs nikon, but I've been using Digital Photo Professional for the last 5 years or so and I should have made the move to another raw conversion software a long time ago. DPP served its purpose and does a pretty good job, but I've had a problem with this program shutting down on me constantly during my editing process. I'm looking to move on to another raw file converter program and was just curious what thoughts others have about which ones work best for them. I appreciate anyones time to help me out, thanks.</p>
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<p>Obviously Adobe Camera Raw 6.x is the best raw converter I know of. Been using it since the Canon 10D days (2003) and all its releases, updates, and improvements.</p>

<p>Top notch books are written about ACR and whole chapters of other books as well. IMNSHO it is the best.</p>

<p>(ACR 6.2 is the latest version with PS CS5 -- it does NOT crash)</p>

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<p>DPP served its purpose and does a pretty good job, but I've had a problem with this program shutting down on me constantly during my editing process.</p>



<p>I still think DPP gives the best control on images (with all its ancillaries associated directly to Canon) e.g. Distortion Control, Canon Profiles, Picture Styles etc... If you have a problem with it shutting down on you, it might be more of your machine's problems rather than DPP's. I haven't had DPP shut down, freeze or lock-out on me in the last couple of years. I run XP Pro with a 3.6 Ghz processor with (my max) of 4 GB of RAM.</p>

<p>In other words, I think it might be more of your machine handling DPP itself rather than the program itself? By the way, I'm using DPP version ~ and version 3.9.... with more added functionality is just about getting ready for us to download.</p>

<p>Just my initial thoughts! If you go to another program, you might run into similar problems and issues. Good Luck!</p>


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<p>I'm surprised about the DPP crashing. I've found it to be less buggy and less demanding of computer resources than Aperture, on my Mac. If you otherwise have liked it (five years seems to give the impression that it was previously working for you) have you thought of trying a re-install and (free at Canon's site) upgrade to the latest version? -Just a thought.</p>
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<p>Strangely i get the best result out of anything i use... being Adobe Camera Raw, Lightroom or C1 Pro 5.2... i think like anything else it depend of your knowledge and how often you use it and on how many file ... I like and prefer Lightroom for is visual quality, well design, fast (on my mac) and problem free (until now).</p>

<p>I developed image from many kind of camera, canon, nikon, Phase one, Blad... name it, and i get perfect result using any of those 3 software...</p>

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<p>I've used DPP on several different Windows machines over the years - XP & Windows 7, laptop and desktop and can't remember it ever crashing. If you've got serious crash problems there must be something wrong with your computer and I'd recommend backing everything up and reloading the operating system first. The latest versions of DPP (3.8.x) have a good range of features and give excellent results with minimum adjustment. Adobe Raw might give comparable results but in my experience needs more fiddling with the controls.</p>
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<p>I have used DPP exclusively now for some time. For me, it works much better for organizing and processing RAW files than the ACR in PSE5. However, it does "chew up" (don't you just love technical jargon?) memory. After it has been open a while, along with other applications, I will get an error message stating "Insufficient Memory." At that point, the image part of the thumbnails disappears and an "X" appears instead. Shutting DPP down and restarting doesn't help. Nor does closing all the other open applications. It doesn't actually "crash" but it becomes unusable. Only a reboot solves the problem.</p>

<p>I believe this aberrant behavior is because my Vista computer only has 2G of memory. I'm upgrading to 4g "real soon." </p>

<p>So I agree with those who suggest that Teran's problem is probably computer related.</p>

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<p>Uugh. I really don't like DPP. I once thought it was the cat's meow though. Canon actually did a pretty good job, but it lacks the polish and integration of Adobe products and plug-ins.<br>

Once I started actually using ACR, I just can't use anything else. Best thing about it is direct access from Bridge. That and a proper crop with arbitrary rotation. Totally non-destructive. Output to any format you want. Send directly to Photoshop from Bridge. Super fast synchronization of any or all adjustments across hundreds of images. Camera profiles, color adjustments, graduated filter adjustments, full adjustment presets. The list goes on. And now they added lens corrections and proper noise reduction in ACR 6.</p>

<p> </p>

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