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LR vs CS4:Stark printing differences

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<p>Hello everyone,</p>

<p>Today I made my first ink jet print using LR 3.2. I've been using LR since version 2.0 and I'm very familiar with it though until today I always print using PS CS4 Extended.<br>

I was very surprised to see what a poor quality print produced by LR. I'm using an Epson 3800 with custom paper profiles. All of my printed output using CS4 is marvelous. In fact I printed the same image immediately after the one printed from LR and the CS4 generated print was excellent.</p>

<p>You know I've read posts by Andrew Rodney and Jeff Schewe extolling the virtues of LR printing, especially the ease of sharpening and so on. So needless to say I was very disappointed with the results. Is this another problem with LR 3? I know I chose the correct ICC profile since I used the same one to make the comparison print with CS4 and NIK Sharpener for sharpening.</p>

<p>Basically the LR print came out desaturated, flat low contrast, with a color balance way different from the screen display not looking very sharp. Wish I knew what caused the difference in results as I would like to print directly from LR.</p>


<p>Don Bryant</p>


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<p>Ah, success! I didn't check No ICM in the printer driver. I just reprinted the image moments ago. The two prints are virtually the same though I think I still prefer the print sharpening from Nik Sharpner Pro. I've spent a lot of time perfecting output sharpening with NSP for different cameras (film and digital). There are also some very subtle color differences, differences most people wouldn't ever get a hint of, even looking at the prints side by side.</p>

<p>The reality is, for this print/image/capture the LR output sharpening is pretty good. And I think for most output LR can get the job done.</p>

<p> </p><div>00XGIC-279325584.jpg.5a1bcc8aa7e8743c8a4134b6c5e8f290.jpg</div>

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