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Photo Printing Problem

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<p>I'm using Windows Vista and PSE06 and HP D7360 Printer and suddenly today the printer will not print


I can go to printing preferences and set the printer to Color Smart /sRGB, or to Adobe RGB (1998) or to

Application Managed Colors, I even tried turning the HP Photo Fix option off and the printer will not print photo

paper. I tried different photo image files including one I printed just yesterday, still same result, nothing printed

on the paper. The paper is taken thru and then out (quickly) of the printer with nothing on the photo paper.<br>

I changed the printer preferences to Everday Printing and it printed a beautiful Test Page!<br>

Anyone, please advise.<br>

Regards, Doug Settle</p>

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<p>When you say "suddenly", does that mean it was working fine before? This generation of HP printers is sometimes buggy this way. I would uninstall the printer, disconnect it from the PC (including pulling the power cord). Then reboot, shut down, reboot once more and connect the printer, and led Windows "rediscover" it and re-install it.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...


<p>Yes it was working fine before although some images didn't seem to be printing as sharp as they should be compared to the monitor image. But then older images in my files seemed to print well. I had my camera on RAW for a few days but images were downloaded and processed to JPEGs in PSE 06.<br>

Anyway did the uninstall, rebooting etc as you suggested, and it is printing now, thank you.<br>

This is a 2007 model, so ther may be a new printer in my future, and I'm thinking Canon or Epson.<br>

Regards, Doug</p>

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