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ref: The Pre-post for Ratings/Critique Message


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<p>I just did my first post for rating request, with the new developments in place. I was expecting to have write 'something' about the posting before the image went into the rating stream, but it whizzed out of my hands when I was still expecting a 'space' to type something out.<br>

Can we still do a message before we send things off for ratings/critiques? This a glitch or is this part of the new way things are done now?</p>

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<p>Josh, was that a rushed response from you. .. ?</p>

<p>Looking back at my past 300+ requests for ratings (as opposed to a request for a 'Critique Only' of which I have only made a mere handful) I (or we) have always been allowed to write a 'blurb', before it went away into the stream.</p>

<p>We also had to supply some sort of a Title or a Heading above the space for 'the blurb' which <em>still appears</em> in all of our Photography Critique Requests listings. This was quite different from the Image Caption which always was modifiable after the posting but not the this Title /Heading which was 'done' after the image went live. That ring a bell? I'm not sure what else to say, 'cos I don't want to be just 'blown away' with a statement that I know is just not true.<br>

Maybe we aren't asked for 'a 'blurb', but we were always given a chance to write one if one so wished!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I hope I am not overstepping my role when I try my hand at clarifying things here. Appologies in advance if I get something wrong.<br /> --<br /> Yes, you were allowed to write that blurb before. However, it never got shown in the anonymous critique interface and the title used in that interface was the image title not the critique forum posting title/heading.</p>

<p>Since the new system separates the rating from the critique forum, an image submitted for ratings will not automatically also go to the critique forum. As such, nothing has really changed about how the image is displayed in the rating interface once submitted.</p>

<p>If you want to write up that blurb and heading, submit the image for critique as well and you will get the chance to write that and it will be used in the critique forum posting.</p>

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<p>Ian has written it better than I obviously could have. My apologies for sounding rushed Mike. I've just been buried in forum posts and email over these topics for the past 24 hours and the edges are starting to fray a bit. Again, my apologies. I should have explained further. </p>
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