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So which really is better, the FDn 85/1.2 L or the FD 85/1.2 SSC Aspherical?


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<p>For years, I've been saying that the 85/1.2 L is my all-time favourite prime lens. Quite recently, however, I acquired an 85/1.2 SSC Aspherical (in near mint condition, for a song), and I'd have to say that I'm very impressed with the results I've obtained with it thus far.</p>

<p>So my question, which is more an appeal for reports of experiences from those who've used both of these superb lenses, is which do <em>you </em>think is "better"? I realize that these kinds of value judgements are subjective, but that's precisely what I'm looking for: <em>your opinions</em>.</p>

<p>And if I'm permitted to make a small confession, I must say that I'm a little scared to put these lenses head-to-head myself (although I'm sure I'll break down and do it soon enough).</p>

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<p>Did the original 85mm Aspherical use thoriated glass element(s)? If so, some yellowing / browning of may occur with time and "tint" this comparison. It may otherwise be difficult to find examples of each in truly pristine condition, not helped by the potential difference in age: an early Aspherical would be at least a dozen years older than a late-production L!<br /> Canon Museum also lists the older lens design as having 9 aperture blades, the newer with 8.</p>
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<p>I guess I've come across more seriously than I intended about my concerns over comparing these lenses. I meant to be ironic in my "confession," expecting more lighthearted responses.</p>

<p>I am fully aware that the 85/1.2's share the same optical formula, and, perhaps apart from the effect of their varying number of aperture blades, should deliver very similar images. I'm also cognisant of the fact that the potential of each vastly exceeds my skill as a photographer.</p>

<p>I guess what I was really trying to do, evidently not at all successfully, was to hear of some interesting photographic experiences people have had with these lenses, and perhaps in the process to liven up this forum, which has been relatively dormant of late.</p>

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