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How feasible is 16x20 with uFT system?


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<p>Hey guys, I just bought an Epson 3880, aiming for 16" prints. Well ok if I keep the original aspect it's closer to 15.75x21" lol. That equates, at 240dpi, to a 25% increase in original file size. My 5D wasn't much different, but I'm dealing with a smaller sensor of course. I can say with the 5D at that size, on a well-exposed, well-focused shot with ISO 100, it looked astounding. Can I expect similar results with the E-P2? I have for lenses right now the 50/2 macro and my 20/1.7 Panny is on it's way (have to tell you, it was very hard for me not to buy the 25/1.4...for once I was practical).</p>

<p>So, the E-P2 is nominal ISO 200, and from what I've read that's like shooting ISO 800 (light gathering ability, new to me???) on a 34x26 setup, is that true?</p>

<p>If so, I'll have to shoot everything in BW and say I'm being creative:(</p>

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<p>So, the E-P2 is nominal ISO 200, and from what I've read that's like shooting ISO 800 (light gathering ability, new to me???) on a 34x26 setup, is that true?</p>


<p>Almost. It's like shooting on a 36x24mm sensor, not 34x26, at ISO 800, provided the technology is equal in both cameras. I'd actually put the Canon a little ahead technology wise, so the gap might be a little bigger. There's no real way to get the clean look of Canon ISO 200 out of a four-thirds camera.</p>

<p>Frequent 16x20 work sounds like it's pushing things, to me. I've printed 17x22 Epson prints from Oly cameras before. The customer thought they were acceptable, but I though "barely adequate" and "astounding" never crossed my mind.</p>

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<p>Thanks Joseph. I mean 24x36 obviously, typo.<br>

"Barely adequate" sounds a bit scary. I'll have to experiment and maybe not go so big, ie 14" approx. prints with a border, would be fine in most cases.<br>

Hopefully certain shots (on a tripod w/release and my macro lens) will lessen the gulf and allow for 16x20-ish occasionally.</p>

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Yes I believe you're correct, but the native speed on this Olympus is iso 200,

and I believe 100 would just be a pulled image. In other words, if the oly was

iso 100 your statement about iso would be correct.


My reading is it's 200 percent for everything - focal length, aperture, and iso

because of light-collecting ability.

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