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If only one to choose, Leica body or lens for my situation?


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I have a budget about $2K for the time being and I plan for a body and a 35 mm lens to build up the sytem, and maybe next year for another 50mm. So, I have 2 choices:<br>

1) Leica M6 classic + VC 35/f1.4<br>

2) Bessa R3M + 35 summicron v3 or earlier version<br>

So, guys, which one will you choose and why? I'm slightly to option 1, as I thought maybe if I have more cash next year, I can add leica lens and this M6 will be with me for a couple of years.<br>

Any info and tips are welcomed, thanks.</p>

<p>Regards, WL</p>

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<p>Since I personally love my old FEDs and Kievs (the latter more so, I being a backloader rather than a bottomloader), I'm not the person to ask.</p>

<p>Still, if I were committed to your options, I'd prefer the Leica M6 body. Otherwise, you would get a very fine camera, but it still wouldn't be a Leica, if you know what I mean.</p>

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<p>Get the Leica. If you are drawn to rangefinders, most likely you are drawn to the Leica. You can always add glass as you go.<br>

Not sure why you've settled on those two choices, but you could probably - with a little patience - find an M6 and a 35 summicron (v. III). Or then again, you'd probably have enough cash for an M6, the CV 35/1.4 and an older 50 summicron right now.</p>


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<p>Thanks for the prompt respond. My mistake for the R3M, actually should be R2M for the 35mm frameline. The only reason to limit for the M6 is because, older than M6 probably need CLA if they didn't stated in the adv, and older than M5 need an external meter which cost another $200. Price has gone up for used M6 and most leica lenses, so it will be not possible to get M6 and 35 summicron vIII within $2K. After all, VC 35mm is not that bad, just 35cron might have pleasant bokeh that I learnt from most forums, but body construction for M6 probably solid than the Bessa (as I heard from the internet too). What a shame, none of my friend neither hsa one of these rangefinders that I could try with. Still I keep option open to hear from your experience. Many thanks.<br>


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Wooi, please don't get hung up on older Leicas always needing a CLA before purchase - as long as they

have been used regularly and not been abused, an older M will work just fine as-is.


Also, a proper CLA from a competent repairman doesn't come cheap. Unless the seller can prove that it

went to Leica or to someone who has a respectable reputation for this work, chances are that the camera

was given a bargain-basement going-over and will have come out of the shop looking sorrier than when

it went in. Take your time, check out each prospective purchase carefully, and save up for a proper

servicing five or ten years down the line, and you should be more than happy with whatever you choose.

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<p>Ross, I can't envision every used Leica M6 for sale needing a CLA. If you run a roll or 3 of E6 through it and like the results, have no mechanical issues, I'd say it's good to go until it fails in some manner and needs service.</p>

<p>There is an M6 classic black chrome with an MP finder (Wooi, the upgraded finder reduces finder flare) that also comes with a Luigi half case for sale on this site. It has a rewind issue that you may be able to have resolved for not very much. (Maybe split the cost with the seller and get an estimate from PN member Gus http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=1899361.) There are a few L lenses for sale on PN also.</p>

<p>Or...get a ZI body at Keh for 700 clams and either a Cron or Lux there for 1400, almost in budget.</p>

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<p>Yes, the need for a CLA is overstated. The time lines from 1954 go M3, M2, M4, M5, M4 2, M4 P, M6, so technically the late M4 variations are less likely to need a CLA than an M5, but would need a piggyback MR or similar VC meter.<br>

I would go for the M6 and whatever else offers. Don't be too afraid of second hand VC lenses. They are still pretty new and have much harder coatings than older M lenses.</p>

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<p>I would buy the M6 classic from a reputable dealer like Keh, so if there is any problem you can return the camera. The lens I would get would be a 40 Summicron which is just as good as the 35 summicron IV which I currently have. I tested my former 40 summicron against the 35 cron and couldn't tell the difference. Both are great lens. You can probably pick up a good 40 cron for $450 or less and you can defintely pick up an execllennt M6 for $1200 or less. If you really look around you can get a 35 summicron version 2 or 3 for $700 or less. Get the M6 classic and go with Leica glass. Both are within your $2000 budget</p>
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