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Which eye do you use?


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<p>I am right handed but normaly use my left eye. I do use my right eye when I need if I am shooting portraits I use my right eye and keep my left open to watch for blinks. I have to make the effort and remember to use my right eye though as I automatically raise the camera to my left eye.</p>
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<p>When one is looking at an image in the viewfinder is it near or far? I ask because my left eye is far sighted and my right is weak near and far. I wear a single contact in my right eye to read and use my left eye to focus on distant subjects. When my vision was better than 20/20, I used my right eye to look through viewfinders, now I use my left eye. I've never really tried adjusting a diopter to my right eye with the contact. I've always assumed the image in the viewfinder is a distant image.</p>
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<p>Very interesting question. I started writing with my left hand, but switched for the right hand. For the stairs I am using right foot first. I play on drums with Ride cymbal on the right, like 99% of drummers (except Phil Collins:). And I am using left eye for photography. <strong>When I compose the shot with my right eye I see more ,,overall" image, more composition, shapes, it's like looking at painting or picture allready printed, with left eye I see little sharper, more real-life, better for precise focusing. Its very interesting but again, I'm using my left eye exclusively.</strong><br /><strong></strong><em>M.</em></p>
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<p>I'm another right-hand, left-eye. For years as a kid and teenager I wondered why I never hit anything at carnival shooting galleries!</p>

<p>I find there are two specific problems with cameras:<br>

1. With old lever-wound cameras I can't wind on without taking my eye from the viewfinder, slowing down shooting. Admittedly not much of a problem these days. (Do you remember those cameras where the metering only switched on when the wind lever was in stand-off position. Pretty difficult if you're left-eyed.)<br>

2. With my Canon DSLR I can't take advantage of moving AF function to the back AE lock button, as I would keep sticking my thumb into my right eye.</p>

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