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Voigtlander Vito BL : Help!

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I've just had the good fortune to acquire a very original copy of this fine camera, the later version with the funky little Bewi Automat meter. I've down loaded a copy of the only on-line manual I can find, though it relates to a slightly earlier version of the BL.


One thing puzzles me. In the viewfinder, top left, there's a little rounded glass protuberance which seems to have a constant red/pink tinge to it. I can find no reference to it in the manual, and I can't figure out it's purpose. It doesn't seem to change colour, or do anything much at all. I have other versions of the Vito but this is an oddity. Does anyone have any information on this?

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<p>I don't know why I said LED when I think they are actually neon. But anyway there were indeed many cameras that they put these ridiculous little flash ready indicators in and around the viewfinder in a marketing attempt to sell you the special flash that went with the camera. I put a question mark next to my statement since I don't know anything about that particular camera.</p>
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<p>Rick I did some precursory looking around. This model had a lot of variables the one site noted 90 possible variations.<br>

Five different VF, three different light meters, three shutters, two lenses etc.  This could be difficult to narrow down.<br>

Another site I read described a (the) light meter as without a needle and stated an instantaneous reading.<br>


Maybe this is a sort of go-no-go, if the current exp.settings result in under/over exposure this portion of the finder alerts the user.<br>

Frankly, this seemed more of an advertising/handbook description from the late 50s, than a modern interpretation, but maybe one of the native speakers can do better, the included english "babblefish" translation is not any help at all</p>

This of course would then be dependent upon the function of the light meter!

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks, you've all covered quite a few bases. I've not been able to uncover any more information, and I've had a really close inspection of the viewfinder under strong light. This model Vito has a brightline viewfinder, and I'm beginning to suspect that the glass bobble is part of the frame projection system. Most cameras with a projected brightline use a separate window to reflect light for the brightline borders, but there no such window on the BL, and I've been wondering if the clever Voigtlander people have built a lens into the top of the viewfinder to utilise the light entering the very large viewfinder area. I'll try to get a photograph of it tomorrow. I suspect the faint colour is of no significance.<br>

The light meter has no display in the viewfinder in the Cl, so I guess we can rule out that line of enquiry.</p>

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